Monday, December 29, 2008

December (the longest post ever!)

We haven't posted for quite a while and I have failed to record a lot of the neat things that we have been up to since Grant has been born. Long posts aren't as fun for the readers, but I will feel better if I catch up. December was such a fun busy month so, I'll start with December. That will be way more manageable than trying to go back through the "meant to post" posts from fall. Here are a few snapshots of our December. (What I can remember without looking back at the calendar that I just recycled.)

On the first weekend of December we went to Williamsburg and spent the night at Danny's parents house. They babysat the kids and Danny and I had a fun date- running errands and having ice cream. We really love having time alone together and hope to go out alone more often this new year. If anyone is up for swapping babysitting from time to time, we would love it!

The next morning we went to the Williamsburg Christmas Parade- very fun, but very cold. Thank you, TJ and Whitney, for sharing the fun and the hot chocolate. Then Whitney and I had manicures. Thanks again for the gift certificate, Whitney. I wish I had pictures of our awesome nails.

While we were out Geemaw, Pa-pa and the dads helped the kids with the gingerbread houses. Susan makes one for each grandchild (and some neighbors and church kids too)- we are talking homemade gingerbread houses! She used to make tons of them each year and sell them. They are very cool and it is a tradition that the kids love. V worked hard and was very pleased with the result.Honestly, Christian didn't work as hard on his because the TV was on in the other room and well, he is a TV addict. If it is available, he feels like he has to have it. That is why we have the TV stop and go signs at our house. It was cute too though and represented him because it had some animal crackers on it. I think Danny must have finished it for him. Christian loved the finished product and enjoyed eating it. As you can see our chunky baby Grant, wanted to chew on something too. (Don't worry, it's just his hand!) The next week was a whirlwind full of doctor's appointments, meetings, volunteer work at the school, playgroup, lots of work for Danny and errands and busywork for me. My calling at church is Activities Committee chairman and I was busy planning the Ward Christmas Party. It doesn't seem like it would be too much work to pull a dinner together, but all the details take a little time. Since I am a bit of a perfectionist and a huge procrastinator, I was completely overwhelmed just thinking about the week. I knew I couldn't get it all done with Danny working every night or certainly I couldn't get it done well. I remember just thinking about it on Sunday and sobbing (I was already way overtired, someone pointed out a mistake that I made , and I cry easily anyway.) So, my dear friend Melanie offered to take Joy school for me. I was supposed to teach for the week and hadn't done anything to prepare. I was so thankful! Thank you again, Melanie. It was a tremendous help.

I didn't get too many pictures of most of the week, but I was sure to get a few at my grandmother's surprise 85th birthday party! Here is one that captures the "SURPRISE!!" We really did surprise her. Her face stayed like that for about a minute. It was too cute.

The next day was Belmont Family's Night Before Christmas. We started with trimming the tree. Then, we had a traditional Christmas Eve dinner. We enjoyed Christmas piano music, a reading of the Night before Christmas, and a children's nativity with a sing along. It wasn't the most creative activity that I have ever planned, but it seemed like it was what was needed. Here is a quick picture that I took while we were setting up. There were a few more tables behind the dividers, but we didn't wind up needing them. I think it looked pretty decent all things considered. We put fresh greenery and red bows on each table too. The plastic ware was tied up with a candy cane and ribbon and the place settings looked pretty nice.I think the Children's nativity was my favorite part for sure. Both of my children were sheep. You can see Victoria. Christian is in front of Joseph, but you can't see his face. He was busy baa- ing and eating hay out of the manger. He is too funny. Afterwards Victoria wished that she had been an angel, but she liked the sheep costume at the time- I mean who wouldn't want to wear a cotton ball covered t-shirt? This is a picture of Christian and his Joy School friends, Sam and Laurie at the Joy School Christmas Party which was at the Henrich's house. The students put on a show for their families and sang three great songs for us. His favorite was Jingle Bells!

They also did a nativity. This time, he was a shepherd. I love how he and the sheep seem to be worshipping baby Jesus in this picture. (Maybe this was after we took the shepherd's staff away- the jumping and swinging it around made a few people nervous.) They loved doing the nativity so much that they traded parts and acted it out again. The next time Christian was a wise man and Victoria got her chance to be an angel. Another fun activity was our Secret Santa reveal party. Each year the Belmont Mommies(our playgroup moms) play Secret Santa for each other. Instead of giving gifts to everyone, we give gifts or do fun service for one friend each year. This year I got to be Secret Santa for Meya Crisp. She is a great woman and has done quite a bit for me, especially teaching Victoria in the preschool co-op for two years. It was fun to do a few things for her. This year there was a bit of a mix-up with the Secret Santa draw and I got two secret Santas! We use a website to draw the names, so I have no idea what happened. Anyway, I felt doubly loved receiving gifts from both Drea Davidson and Lori Calderone. Thanks girls! However, that meant that someone, my good friend Jen Mccoin, didn't have a secret Santa! I felt terrible. It worked out to be OK though. This is a picture from our reveal party of Jen opening a well deserved present! Thanks Jen, for hosting the party! It was awesome.

This year Victoria and I went to the Nutcracker with my mom, Chrissy, and Hailey. It was a very fun girls day. We really enjoyed it and I had the music in my head for the next week and even tried to see if I could remember some of the dances that I have danced. One year I was a Chinese dancer(I don't remember a bit of it- I was really little still) and another time I was a Spanish dancer. I actually do remember that dance. It may help that I have that video though. Victoria tried to do some too. She loves it. I would love for her to be able to take dance classes! I have taught her a bit of technique, but need to teach her on a regular basis. (not just 1 or 2 times a year) Hmm, "Christian and Grant, please don't need me for the next hour, it is time for ballet." Right! This is a picture of us before we went. We took a pic there too. Will you please send it to me, Mom? Another great Christmas tradition is Pizza and Shrimp Night at Grandma's house. The Sunday before Christmas we have a pizza party at my Grandma's house. It is easy and comfortable and predictable and I always look forward to it. Here are some of the cousins together at Pizza Night at GG's. V is going to be such a good mom one day. While we were there my brother Craig asked, "Ella,what do you have?" Victoria immediately put her finger in Ella's mouth to sweep out whatever she might have choked on. There wasn't anything, but isn't that so funny for a 5 year old to do? Just wanted to throw in an up close pic of Grant to show what he looks like. He's growing quickly, huh? He's so much fun! We love him!

The next night was Danny and I's 8th anniversary! No pictures of our date. We went to dinner and a movie while my parents watched our kids. In fact, the kids had a blast making Christmas cookies and holiday crafts! Very fun. Danny and I had fun too, but I felt kinda sick. It is fun to think about how much has happened in 8 years and we are pretty thankful to still love each other.
The next night we went to Miracle of Christmas:Live at the Zoo. They do a great job and we enjoy going each year.

The next day was Christmas Eve. Our family went to fill grocery orders at the bishop's storehouse. There were tons of people there helping! It was great! It is so cool to see so many people so happily doing good. I think even though my kids get a little distracted there it is good to teach them about helping others. Plus, I just like it.

Since I was a kid, my family has gone to see the real Santa Claus, the legendary Santa. It is the real Santa Claus because he comes down the chimney and he knows every child's name! It is very magical. So, on Christmas Eve day we went with cousin Ella to see Santa. He called them over, "Victoria, Christian, and Grant, come to see old Santa." They told him that they wanted "Batman underwear"(Christian) and "a TV."(Victoria) Alrightie then, not exactly what the letters said. (They put letters to Santa in their shoes on St. Nick's day and the next day candy was in the shoes where the letters had been! Well, Grant actually got a new paci clip.)
Speaking of shoes, Christian really loved the wooden shoes at the holiday village at the Children's Museum.We always have Christmas Eve Dinner at my parents' house with my mom's side of the family. My mom sets the tables beautifully and the meal is always delicious. It wouldn't feel like Christmas without it. Here the kids have opened one present each.
Another tradition is the family picture! One serious, then one silly. One day I think I am going to gather them all and make a book. Wouldn't that be fun to have!

Cheyne family pic 2008Crazy Cheyne pic 2008 We missed you Matt, Janelle, Donovan, Howie, Nina, and Cameron!!!!

And then came Christmas morning!!!! When the kids woke up, Danny went down stairs to be sure that Santa had come. He came! Here's evidence! When Danny stayed downstairs and turned on lights and got the cameras ready, we got ready for a traditional youngest to oldest on the stairs picture. Of course, Grant needed a little help, but I didn't mind assisting.
It was so fun to watch the kids discovering their presents. I mean really, check out the excitement in these pictures. I could have done a post just about Christmas morning, but since I didn't I am trying to limit the number on pics here.

Christian's face was great!
Baby doll clothes!

I wish they could stay this innocent forever!

Danny and I loved how Victoria and Christian showed Grant his presents. He seemed interested too. They are good to him.In the later part of the morning, we went to my parents house and shared Christmas with them. Really they shared quite a bit with us! It was fun for Danny and I to open some presents too. Thanks mom and dad! Craig, Lorel, and Ella were there when we got there and then Scott, Chrissy, Sydney, and Hailey were there a little later. It worked out nicely that we got to see them. With both sides of our families being close we don't always get there at the same time.

Then, we went to Williamsburg to Danny's parents. Patrick and Leah weren't able to be there, but were via webcam and some other new technology that I don't know the name for. Everyone else was there. We ate Christmas dinner which was also very good. Afterwards we acted out the nativity and opened presents. We acted out the nativity a lot this year. The kids love it and we are thankful that they really understand that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus's birthday. Here's another nativity picture. Megan wasn't really too into her costume, so she was Snow White instead. As a funny note, I asked Christian why he wasn't wearing pants. "Because mom, I'm a shepherd." "OK, Christian."

Victoria, Camila, and Megan in matching dresses from Geemaw. Camila picked them out and they are all the same size. They thought they were very cool and wanted to try them on right away.

The next day I got to go out to brunch with my high school friends! Yea! I was so excited. We always have such a good time. I don't know why it is, but I feel so relaxed and so myself with them! That is a blessing because often I feel anxious and insecure. So it was a great morning. I was excited to introduce Grant to Amy and Carrie who hadn't met him yet. He was a very good baby. He really is easy most of the time.
But then I got home and "back to reality."

Isn't that the grossest thing! I kissed Grant and he spit up right on my mouth. I tried to get Danny's attention so he could hand me the burp cloth. The kids were too busy laughing. Then he saw me and went and got the camera instead. I knew it was funny, so I waited patiently for him to take it.
The next day was silly, I can't really remember the morning, but we tried to go to Aiden's(2nd cousin) 3rd brthday party. Despite the GPS, we could not find it. It was in King William County, so we went to Bass Pro Shops on the way. Very fun! I really love that store! So, I guess the maps weren't up to date. We kept taking winding dirt roads through the forest. Seriously, we were driving for 2 hours looking for it. It was ridiculous, but it was also kinda fun just hanging out in the car together as a family. Christian said, "This isn't a party, this is the party of trees and sticks and leaves." Later he said, "Well, I guess we'll have to go home and open the present and play the game ourselves." We brought a game for Aiden. So, we never made it, but it was 1.5 hours past start time and no one was answering the phone, so we went out to dinner instead and then went home.
On Sunday after church we ate dinner in the car and drove to the river house! I always love it there. It was nice to just take it easy. The kids love to play there. They like different books and puzzles and toys. And guess what! Santa Claus left a puzzle and another toy under the tree there! How cool is that. The kids also played outside a bit. We threw acorns into the water and took a canoe ride to the island. Grant stayed inside with Grandma and Grandpa for that part by the way. We found raccoon footprints, turkey feathers, some neat shells, and some sea glass. Sadly, we also found some trash. We hate litter, so next time we are going to bring bags and hunt for more litter and clean up the island.
We have been home pretty much the last couple days and it has been wierd but nice. Danny raked the leaves, changed oil in the cars, and caught us up on laundry! He's a good husband. The kids have colds, ear infections, and are a bit over tired, so it has been helpful to take it easy. I did
put together a new shelf for toys and got those all organized again.
We had a fun time playing games with some friends on New Years Eve! Christian and V shared the evening with Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks guys! Christian slept, but V stayed up all night. Wouldn't have called that. It was fun for them though.
So, December is over and We are excited for 2009! I can't wait to put all of the New Year's Resolutions that are going through my head on paper at FHE on Monday! Happy New Year, Everybody!


KaseyQ said...

Sounds like a busy month, Brooke! It's so much fun to pass on family traditions and to start new ones. Happy New Year!

Ioana said...

Happy New Year! December was a busy month for you, and don't worry, it won't slow down from now on.:)

Janelle said...

Fun to hear about your month and see pictures of a lot of the things you did. I love how your Christmas Party decorations turned out, those dinners are a huge thing to plan! Happy New Year! I'm excited to see the things you guys do! Aren't blogs so helpful at keeping up with people far away???