Monday, April 12, 2010

A couple more examples of crazy

Tonight Danny and Christian were in the garage when Christian peered into our basement window and said, "Why does our basement look so wet?"
Danny thought that the washer had flooded, but went down there and found the sink running and water all over the place. He thought it must have been one of the kids, but truth be had been running for about 6 hours and it was my fault. I was rinsing some dirty laundry. Grant was with me in the basement and was pulling my clothes that I had hung to dry down. After picking them up and telling him no about 5 times I gave up thinking I'd do the laundry tonight when the kids are asleep. Well, apparently I left the water running and the sink plugged! Yea for me! Danny was a trooper about turning our FHE into a cleanup/ mop the water to the drain in the basement party. The kids didn't mind a bit, we sang songs, said prayers, Victoria taught us about the sacrament, we mopped and slipped and made jokes about my "where's the flood, rolled up jeans" for our activity, and still had our snack.
Danny really did most of the work! Thanks Buddy! And he is going to get the dryer fans from his school tomorrow to make sure that we don't have any lasting problems.

Hmm, what else? We hit a deer a couple weeks ago. We had been to a fun activity at V's school and were driving a friend of her's home when we saw some deer crossing the road. We were going 55(that was the speed limit) and people were behind us, so we couldn't really slam on the brakes. We saw it fly like a frisby off the side of our car, but when Danny went to pick up our front light that had flown off the deer wasn't on the side of the road! The kids, especially V and her friend Cally, squealed with delight that the deer didn't die.

Oh, I locked the kids and I out of the house the other night and no car keys either. We have lots of doors and windows, but none were open. I had a cell phone, but Danny didn't.(thanks to this situation now he does). No neighbors had a key and we didn't have one hidden. I was able to call a friend and tell her that we wouldn't be making the Easter egg hunt. The kids were mad and getting hungry, so we "made lemonade" by taking a stroll to the nearby Dairy Queen for dinner. Luckily I had my wallet. So while we were at Dairy Queen our next door neighbor came in and gave me some keys- he had run up to the school and got the keys from Danny. He said that his mom thought we went to Dairy Queen. It was really nice of them to help like that!

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