Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hit and Run update

So, Danny got a subpoena in the mail a few weeks ago and went to court today. We found out how they caught the guy that hit us. After he hit us and drove over the median to get onto 288, he checked in to a hotel. The hotel staff noticed how intoxicated he was, saw the crashed car that he was driving, and called the police because they suspected that he probably hit someone. Since it was the same night and not too far away, fit the description, and had a missing hubcap that matched the one he lost, they figured he was the guy.

Also interesting to note, he did in fact have a mustache. Danny said that when he went into the court room he looked for a guy with a mustache and knew it was him right away. In case I didn't mention that in the last post about this crazy night- when we were driving home the boys were both asleep and both behind Danny on the drivers side. That was the side that the drunk driver hit. When he scraped his car along the side of ours, Christian's eyes must have instantly opened, because right away Christian told us that the guy that hit us had a mustache. They must have been face to face. Danny and I certainly hadn't seen the guy's face at all!

So, the guy got off pretty light in my opinion considering that he could have killed us or anyone else. His punishment was a 750 dollar fine with 500 of that suspended, 30 days in jail, all of which was suspended, and restitution. Luckily this week I took the car to two places and got 2 separate estimates of what the damage would cost to fix.  They were only 40 dollars apart from each other, so the judge just split the difference.

So, he is supposed to pay us for the damage to our car within 60 days. But sadly, he gave Danny a fake phone #. "Alrightie then, have fun in jail." He gave Danny some insurance info, but they said that the coverage didn't start until a month after the accident. We're not too worried about it, we were and still are thankfully all fine and the car is in pretty decent shape all things considered. Things will all work out.


macylee36 said...

That's makes me so mad he got off so light! A family of 5, 3 kids! AND he left the scene! The person who hit my car and left the scene got 5 tickets! My friend with a DUI had to pay $2,000! What a joke. I hope he doesn't hurt anyone in the future. I'm glad to hear you guys are okay!

Ioana said...

I'm glad they got him, but I'm soooo mad that he got away with so little!!!! Was that judge on crack????

Mom said...

Something is just NOT right about this!!!!! Grrrrr!