Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Concert

Just a few shots of the Christmas concert from the December PTA meeting. 2,3,4 graders performed. Here is V with some of her fellow 2nd graders. They were really great!

Victoria was nervous about remembering all of the words to "O Christmas Tree", but did great and  really enjoyed herself. She also liked watching the other grades and her teacher and teacher from last year sing in the Teachers' Choir.
Mrs. Venable on the far left

Mr. Huff, an aid that works part of the day in Christian's classroom, and Ms. Dudley, V's teacher from 1st grade. It was cool to see them participate.

Also, at the PTA meeting, we had a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction for themed baskets. I had a hand in those (assembling, wrapping, and transporting the baskets, making bid sheets etc. and selling the tickets), so was happy to see that we raised 900 dollars.

1 comment:

Lorel said...

I dont know why, but I have not been able to see any of the pictures from the new posts. Craig cant see them on his computer either. Dang it!!!