Friday, November 29, 2013

Grant's 5th Birthday!

We started the morning with donuts that Grant and Danny picked out the night before. When, the older kids were at school, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit! They brought a really cool surprise!

 A bike!
 Grandpa helped him on and walked with him for a minute,
Then, he got a little braver and took it for a ride. He will really like riding with his friends!

We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Then, we played at Fort Fun. We were glad to show grandma and grandpa one of our favorite parks here.

Danny came straight home after work and set up Grant's present while we went to the bus stop.

 It was a hit! Grant loved the rock band instruments that we found on craigslist! We decided to wait for cake at his birthday party, so sang happy birthday and watched Grant blow out the candles on an ice cream sandwich. Fun day! He is such a sweet five year old!

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