Friday, July 31, 2015

Mariners Musuem

I entered a contest from Moe's to win tickets to the Mariner's Museum and I was selected as a winner! Yay! Thank you, Moe's, for being delicious and for sending us these fun tickets! The package included Mariner's Museum tickets, I-Max tickets, and a paddle boat ticket.

Although we live nearby, we had never been to the beautiful Mariner's Museum

We had a great time and learned a lot of  new things!

We also enjoyed the 3-D movie, James Cameron's Deepsea Challenge. I didn't know if my younger kids would be able to sit still and pay attention the whole time, but they did! It was exciting to learn about this mission to the extreme deep. It was also inspiring to see someone so passionate about learning and discovery. It was neat to see the process, the trials, and the success!

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