Saturday, October 13, 2018

Baseball, Cheer Competition, and Homecoming Dance Pics

Grant has such a pretty natural swing!
 Grant typically plays first or short stop but from time to time he pitches. He feels the pressure when he pitches, but he does a good job.
 Blue Devils competed in another competition, this time at Brentsville.

They did a great job, but were ready to head out after they performed to go get ready for Homecoming!

V and Emily got ready together. V did their hair and Em did their makeup. They make a good team. They both looked beautiful! I loved V's cute dress and shoes! 
We met up with about 10 other friends for pictures. A few of them went as dates, but again V did not. I know that she is looking forward to hopefully going with a date next year when she is 16! It was really fun to see them having such a great time together and talking to the parents too. Really fun group! They went to a hibachi dinner as a huge group and then to the dance.

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