Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Field Days and Award Ceremonies

I was able to help at both Elementary School Field Days, but wasn't able to move around too much. I helped at the water station at Westside and the Freethrow station at Carrollton. Christian's class wore pink and divided to compete in different events. Grant's partner was Paul and they were free to go to any of many stations.

 Victoria had an eighth grade promotion ceremony. I was able to go to that. It seemed like she and her friends had a fun time. She got an award for graduating and for Honor Roll.

Christian also had a promotion ceremony leaving 6th grade at the elementary school and moving on to middle school. He got an award for Straight A Principal's List.

He really loved and respected his teachers that year. He especially liked Mrs. Bluhm, his homeroom and English teacher, and still refers to her as one of his favorites. She was calm, kind, considerate, and professional.

Grant had a great year too and loved his teacher, Mrs. Scott. She encouraged him to to do his best and helped him to use his imagination and creativity. It was a very smart class and all of the students helped push each other. We are going to miss these kids and this school. Carrollton and Westside have been important parts of our lives for the past 5 years.

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