Thursday, March 14, 2019

Math 24 Tournament

Grant had the opportunity to play in a Math 24 Tournament. He is in the club at school and was selected as an alternate to the team. He wasn't able to play all of the rounds, but played one. The Yowell team did really well with 3 in the top 8 and 2 kids, Toya and Beckett placing in the top 4.

Now that I know what it is (Grant didn't tell me much about it beforehand), I understand that it is a card game and you collect cards by being the first to tap it and explain how you add, subtract, mutiply or divide using all 4 numbers on the card to get to 24. 

After the tournament, I ordered the game so Grant and Victoria can teach the rest of us how to play. Victoria told me that she played it sometimes in Mrs. Peterson's class in 6th grade. 

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