Thursday, July 4, 2019

Marshall Family Visit!

We didn't get to see Matt and Janelle and their family last year, so we were so pumped to see them this year and had a lot of fun together! They came and stayed with us in Culpeper for a few days, while they were here we went to DC, to Walmart, to CC practice with C, to White Oak Canyon, and to two dances.
Ice cream party prep and people watching!
Donovan and Howie joined Christian for conditioning! They are fast!

V and Nina primping before they crashed Stafford Ward's Youth Conference Dance.

They all had fun!


and monuments were fun!

More cousins came for a sleepover party!

Fun family hike! We went to ice cream at the old country store afterward!

I took the big kids to another dance in Oakton that night while the younger kids and other parents had other fun. We  wrote funny questions and dared them to ask the people who they danced with. The questions were so funny! I loved hearing the ideas. Matt had a lot of funny ones too!

The next day we took family pictures at Grandma and Grandpas! We were glad that dad could be home from the hospital and could see Matt and his family a little bit. Also, Cameron is now taller than Grandma and V! 

The grandkids took some ridiculous "awkward  family photos".

Oldest to Youngest! Won't Grandma and Grandpa be so proud?!

These two took a sunrise paddle out to the island.

Another fun/awkward outing/picture.

We had fun watching fireworks and dancing in a parking lot not too far from a fireworks show. It was the same place we went last year and we remet some of the same people and they played and danced with us again! It was totally fun! 

We had a great time with the whole family and wished my parents were able to be with us more, but hopefully next year! I hope Matt and Janelle and the kids will be able to come again! We love them and two years was too long to wait!

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