Saturday, August 31, 2019

Added August Details

The amount of paperwork parents need to fill out in August is completely overwhelming! I have to keep a "Keeping up with School" (sports and other activities too) binder.
I have more time to read while I am waiting in the car before pick-ups and during practices.

I like to make dinner while the kids are at school. 

We went to play frisby golf as a youth group at a new course by our house.

Grant and Kate and I love to play at the parks in the morning before school- races and obstacle courses are still favorites. We will miss this in a few months when V has her license and drives herself, and Christian, and Jeff to school from seminary. It will be nice though because the mornings will be colder and we will be able to sleep an hour longer in the mornings.

G man is off to a great start with football. Some of these August games are hot!!!

Katherine is cheering for the Cavaliers again. Her coach is still Coach Deanna, who we love. It is such a cute group of girls and I am excited to be an assistant coach this year. (Pics to follow. Not all of the girls had their uniforms for the first 2 games, so I waited to take pictures.)

We went on an evening paddle for YW another week. These are our inflatable kayaks. We have used them a handful of times and they are fun.

I went to back to school night with Kate. She seems to be off to a happy start.

Grant was glad that Dawson could come to a game with us.

Katherine loves playing with her cheerleader friend, Lily, at the games. 

We love cheering for our favorite Varsity cheerleader and for the football team too!
It has been fun to watch Christian run cross country again! His hard work is paying off and he is getting faster.

We enjoy watching him interact with his teammates. They are good kids and have a lot of fun together!

Cool photo montage from the I-phone.
Danny and I were shopping together and he posed for a picture in front of these wings. Wing murals are kind of a trendy thing now (see picture of Kate above) and he thought he was funny. He was. Very angelic and not weird at all.

We found out that Katherine was star stallion for August! We are proud of her good behavior!

A fun float that Lorel brought. I have a fun video of the kids on it.

We ended the month with quick trip to the river for Labor Day.  Another goodbye to summer.

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