Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Piedmont Ward YW Annual History 2021

I wrote the following in early 2022 to submit to our stake for the ward history.  I decided to copy and paste to the blog because it was such a large chunk of my life and I am proud of the love and effort that I have poured into these girls throughout the years. I am placing this at the end of June because that is when I was released from this calling.

 Piedmont Ward YW Annual History 2021

2021 was full of twists, turns, and opportunities for growth in the Piedmont Ward YW! Policies reguarding covid mitigation changed several times throughout the year, many young women moved in and out of the ward, and the YW presidency fully changed twice!

At the start of the year the presidency was Brooke Soderholm (President), Abby Williams (1st counselor), and Alicia Morrison (second counselor) with Dianne Reed (secretary.)

The general theme for the year was perfect for us!  

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind” Doctrine and Covenants 64:33-34

At the start of the year we met at church for sacrament meetings, but our other meetings and classes were on zoom.

At times this seemed difficult, but we knew that it was important for us to press forward and that blessings would come. As I look back on the year, I am thankful that we pushed through and can clearly see the great work unfolding!

YW continued to create and strive to reach their goals this year!

The YW class presidency worked hard to come up with meaningful activities to help our YW to grow, progess, and achieve our goals. We found when presidency members stayed for 10-15 minutes after YW lesson and activities we were able to accomplish a lot.

In January,  the YW planned a getting to know you activity for the 1st activity of the year! It was a nice way to get to know the new 11- year-olds! Next, Sister Morrison taught us martial arts/self-defense.  We were able to meet together, but our activities couldn’t include food and everyone had to wear masks and social distance. We had to continue to be creative, and we were !

We enjoyed playing kahoot on our phones. We scooted together at the end of our activity before two of our girls moved away.

In February, we had a Valentine’s service activity.

For several Wednesdays we enjoyed Faux Girls Camp since we were unable to have a girls camp in 2020. Activities included preparing and presenting skits, sing alongs, testimonies, and more!

We had our first combined activity in a long time in March! We did speed friending and a few other creative activities. It was really nice for the YW to catch up with the YM.

We also had a St. Patrick’s Day craft night!

We had a fun Easter Activity too. We decorated eggs, filled eggs for a drop-off surprise service, and created egg FHEs to teach about the resurrection and atonement of Jesus Christ.

We loved going outside for some of our April Activities! We went on walk and did an obstacle course at Rockwater Park and played wiffle ball one night too! Two of our missionaries, Sis. Payne and Sis. Chamberlain, joined us for several activities.

One of my favorite activities was plant and animal show and tell night. We talked about the Creation and how much Heavenly Father loves us. The YW loved sharing their favorite plants and animals.

The Piedmont Young Men and Young Women had a talent night for a combined activity in the late spring. These youth work hard and are developing so many talents!

We enjoyed our first stake activity since the start of the pandemic on May 22! It was really awesome to see our youth meeting other LDS youth from the area. We split into groups and did scavenger hunts and challenges around Fredericksburg. Afterward, we enjoyed pizza and socializing at a park!

We were so excited to go to camp this year! We were told to do a ward camp this year, however things got a little tricky when we were told to not plan it yet because some major changes were coming. We presumed that there would be rezoning of wards. It was a challenge when camp was getting closer and closer, but we had nothing planned and were instructed not to plan. 

It turns out that the major changes were delayed or would not happen, so we were extremely blessed to be able to team up with the Culpeper ward. The majority of the planning was already done and we were able to just jump in and fulfill our assignments.

The Young Women and leaders had an excellent time camping at Verdun Adventure Camp in Culpeper! Highlights include hiking, swimming, kayaking, crafts, makeshift hair salon, ziplining, singing, a vesper trail with the people who knew Jesus, and testimony meeting. We loved being in nature, strengthening friendships, and learning more about our Savior.

Either the Sunday before or after camp, our presidency was released. We loved serving together and with these amazing young women! 

Sis. Dianne Reed was called as the new YW President.

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