Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brighter Backyard

I love trees, and like natural yards just fine. However, we want to have a productive garden and need a lot more sun to be able to grow one. So, some trees needed to go. Danny's brother, TJ, owns a tree service in Williamsburg called Tiki Tree Service. He was in town this weekend and Danny convinced him to come and knock down a few on his day off! Thank you!
We thought it was crazy to see him climbing up the tree with spikes on the sides of his shoes. He wrapped himself around the tree too( can you see what I mean?) But he just climbs them with a chainsaw hanging at his side. Kinda crazy and creeps me out a little, but can I really be surprised? He is the brother that climbed and worked on 1000 foot towers with Danny.
Quick pose

Timber! Down goes the Holly tree

A little higher

The kids watched through the window. Victoria thought it was pretty cool to see them climb and work. She also liked seeing the sawdust falling like snow as they fed wood into the chipper. Christian, shook his head and was worried that TJ would fall and "die", but watched anyway. "What is uncle TJ doing? What is he doing? I don't think that's safe. That's not safe!"

We were glad that you were safe, TJ. And we really appreciate it!

They didn't have much time to work, so they only got a couple trees down, but already the yard looks brighter. If they knock down about 5-6 more then we might have enough sun to grow some veggies! Wouldn't that be nice? Every year we try, and the plants grow, but hardly produce anything. Maybe this year it'll really work! Wish us luck!
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Ioana said...

You guys have so many fun ideas!
I loved Christian's comments on TJ. It was just precious!
TJ, you look awesome in that tree!:)

carrie @ the boonie life said...

Is that really TJ? Man, haven't seen him in a good long while.

Yay! Now you can have a nice sunny garden spot.

The Cushing Family said...

All I can say is HOW DO YOU DO ALL THAT YOU DO??? Everytime I get on your blog you are doing something fun and something big. You already do a million amazing things as a mom. Gosh, I am impressed!

Janelle said...

We're going to try a garden this summer too! I'm excited to see the brighter yard.