Saturday, March 21, 2009

Did you stay on green today?

When we ask V this question the answer is always yes! We are so proud of her for staying on green all year long. She hasn't had a color change yet. The other day we told her that she will earn a big reward if she keeps this up for the rest of the year, which I have a feeling she will. It makes parents very happy when their children behave at school! "Angels shout for joy when we decide to do right!"(It's a scripture scouts song) Way to go V! Keep up the great work!


Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Victoria really did stay on green all year! She rocks!

Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

She picked a ring like mine! Not real diamonds, but looks almost exactly like mine. How funny is that that I was able to find a little girls ring with a square center stone and two trillions? At Claire's!