Brooke never thinks this is very romantic, but probably the number one reason I love her is that she is a great mom. She is what I always pictured my wife would be like: she stays at home with the kids, shes a room mom, she volunteers to help with reading stations at the school, she teaches joy school, she is the driving force for family home evening, if I slip and say something like "crap" she is the 1st to remind me that the children can hear, she's sexy, she stays up all night with the kids, she makes their birthday cakes, she brings the kids to visit me at work, she constantly tells the children that she loves them, she puts our children first in her life (no matter what the personal sacrifice). The other day, Brooke took the kids to a homeless shelter and was explaining how homeless people lived. Bishop Marquez saw this and said, "She is always teaching." It was a prideful moment for me and I didn't have anything to do with it. I out punted my coverage when it came to picking a wife. I must be the blind squirrel who found the pistachio factory.
Here are some thoughts from the kids:
"I love you Mom because you hug me and kiss me. I really like you playing with me. And I really like to hug you. I like to play Candy Land with you. I very love you because you kiss me. And I love you because you let me watch TV. You let me go to Joy School sometimes, but sometimes I'm sick. You let me play sometimes."
"I love my mom. She comes to my school. She helps my teacher; I like it. I love my mom."Grant:
"I love my Mom because she wants me to stay a baby forever so she can cuddle me. Being held by my Mom is the most comfortable place in the world. Sometimes I'm perfectly content in my Daddy's arms, then I hear Mommy's voice and know that there's a better option. Mom is the best!"
Here are some pictures by Victoria of her mom that she wanted to add.
awww Brooke is the best! She really is a great mom- and it is true, she is always teaching. I liked how "she's sexy" was thrown into the middle of the motherly qualities. haha. it's good to put romance back into it!
Thanks Danny, Victoria, Christian, Grant and Lorel. You guys are so nice! I felt loved today, so thank you!
By the way, I think I am looking much less like a pregnant purple grimace these days. So, that is a good thing. EEK, V, of all the pictures! You better watch out I might get you back with an embarrassing picture one day.
Danny, great tribute to Brooke! I too loved the "she's sexy" add in the middle. -David
Great job, Danny! She truly is a great mother! Happy Mother's day, Brooke!
Ioana (Dave says Happy Mother's day, too :)
Happy Mother's Day Brooke (a day late)!! What a great blog posting Danny!
She is the best "super mom" I've ever met. So true.
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