Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Easter

After G.G.'s we went to Danny's parents house for another Easter feast and another egg hunt. Plus it was Papa's birthday. The kids were excited to celebrate with him and see more cousins.

Happy b-day papa!

The kids couldn't wait to go on the egg hunt, but they had to. So Kattia and I helped stall while Geemaw and T.J. hid the hundreds of eggs. I suggested that the kids do an Easter Parade and it turned out to be a great idea! They must have great imaginations, because around the house they marched waving at the aunts and uncles and pretending to throw candy. Pretty funny.

Then finally, they got to run and gather the goodies!

Go V, go! I think she looks like me in this picture. Not sure why.

Look at little Teagan in the rock garden. Isn't she cute, even from the back?

A little glimpse of the action! It doesn't look like Robert was in on the action, but I assure you he was. He was so quick! He helped the others too though. Good job taking on the role as the helping oldest cousin.

V and Camila work well as a team.

Christian found a cool bat along with the other goodies.

Mom found Daddy being sneaky. He is letting baby Grant try a push pop! Oh dear! Looks like he didn't mind a bit! Maybe Danny is the one that makes him chunky?

So, Danny and I have a lot in common, but lets face it we are almost opposites in a lot of ways. Also, this doesn't come as a news flash, but a few things are different at the Marshall's and the Soderholm's. Both are good though. G.G.'s is very well planned and organized and we know what to expect as far as schedule, menu, etc. Not that everything is exactly the same, but the tables are set with place cards and little favors, etc. It looks really nice when we come in and it is apparent that she has been preparing for us to come. I look forward to certain menu items and they are there. It is what I am most used to and the traditions are comfortable to me and help me to feel calm and relaxed.

Danny's family does things in a different way. Not too much planning. Kinda whatever happens happens. Hit or miss you could say. So, when it was nice outside, everyone decided "lets eat outside." I am pretty sure that Susan set the dining room table, but the plates and glasses weren't used- instead paper plates and soda cans. But hey that's good too because it was comfortable and the kids could play easily as soon as they finished. Another spontaneous thing happened that we rather enjoyed.

Wind up Easter toy races- They wound up(pun totally intended) to be kinda fun!

It was a great Easter and on the way home it was fun to think about how different our families are but how if we have open and loving minds we can really enjoy our time with both sides of the family. Our kids do and we do too. We really feel fortunate to be able to have so much family close by. Sometimes it is tricky to balance, but I don't think we'd trade it.

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