Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mr. Soderholm- the new Assistant Principal

Danny just got a job as athletic director here last summer, but he's moving on up already! I am really proud of him. He has put in a LOT of hours at this job and the hard work is paying off. His hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. He is going to be an assistant principal at Prince Edward County High School (same school) next year. He'll start that job in the summer. There were a lot of changes in the county schools' administrations, so we hope that the new principal will be great to work with and that Danny will enjoy his new job. We are excited about a slight raise, but more importantly about him having more regular hours and being home more.


Sarah Weiss said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you. I was wondering if your hubby was still planning on becoming a principal.

Debbie said...

WOOHOOOOO!!! congratulations!!

Ioana said...

That's awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!

The Henrich Family said...

HE DID IT!!!! Way to go Danny, Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys.