Hi again friends and fam! We tried this a while ago, and weren't the best bloggers. We thought it would be fun to try again though. The hardest this is just starting, eh? I don't really know where to start. Here are a few fun pictures from camping in our back yard about a month ago. We like camping a lot.
Danny and Christian went on a father/son campout a couple weeks ago and had a great time fishing and playing outside. This is a picture of them before they left.
Victoria and I had a girl's night out while they were gone. We had dinner, had our nails done at the mall (thanks to a gift certificate I had), and came home and watched a chick flic. We had fun too.
Danny is camping this weekend at Helaman's Challenge for the stake's YM. He is in charge of the activities and has been very busy getting supplies ready for rafts and go carts that the boys will be assembling and racing. Lots of wood cutting! I am in charge of our ward campout next weekend- but we are keeping it pretty simple. We'd love to get out and camp at a campsite as a family sometime soon too. We'll see. Hopefully, we'll post some pics of those campouts too.
Glad to say that the tents are getting some use this spring!