Happy 30th Birthday Danny! We love you! We wish we could do more to celebrate your big day. We had fun going to dinner with you last night and hoped you liked your breakfast this morning (let me know when you want me to make my better cinnamon rolls so you can take a big pan to work to share with your friends.) We look forward to seeing you blow out ALL of your many candles. Can we bring it up to the school tonight before cheerleading? Or is it better to save it until tomorrow? We also look forward to a big celebration in a month (after your triathlon).
Until then, we want you to know that we did not forget your birthday and we think you’re the best. Here are 30 reasons, in no particular order, why we, Brooke, Victoria, Christian, and Grant , love you so much. See if you can guess who gives each reason.

1. You have a beautiful smile and twinkly eyes that make me smile too.
2. You wore the special hat I made you.
3. You take us camping.
4. You do cheerleading stunts with me.
5. You take us to restaurants where we get to make our own ice cream!
6. You make awesome cookies!
7. You change my dirty diapers and clean my umbilical cord.
8. You appreciate me as an equal partner.
9. You sometimes take me to the Children's Museum (he wants me to take him right now).
10. You give good backpack rides.
11. You hold me at night.
12. You play with us every Sunday morning.
13. You read to us at night.
14.You father beautiful children.
15. You play t-ball with me.
16.You make me feel like I am at a fancy salon when you wash my hair. So relaxing!
17. You take care of our nails.
18. You play follow the leader with me when I have activity for FHE.
19. You bring me Kleenex or ice cream if I have had a bad day.
20. You don't take things too seriously.
21. We like when you come home from work!
22. You have a strong testimony and encourage us an others to develop our own.
23. You're spontaneous.
24. You make it possible for mom to be home with me!
25. "I like it that when I hug him or kiss him he loves me forever."
26. You are a good friend to others and to me.
27. You made JibJabs for us.
28. You encourage my hobbies!
29. "I love our whole family!" (You are part of it)
30. “Unconditional positive regard”
Just a few good reasons, eh? What are some reasons that the rest of you love Danny? Please leave a comment or send him an e-mail to tell him Happy Birthday and let him know why you think he‘s cool. Feel free to consult the spouses or kids for ideas too.