They started learning about goal striving on a Monday and set a personal goal on Wednesday. Christian's goal was to draw a person. He has never really been too interested in picking up a crayon or marker or pencil, let alone really drawing. So, this was a BIG goal! Honestly, the first day he didn't even know the right way to hold a pencil. Thank you, Melanie and Drea, for teaching him. These are just two of the people he tried to draw the first day.
Then, after a week of joyschool at the Davidson's house learning more about order and goalstriving(Christian was sick), we had joy school here. We learned more about goals. We had a group goal to clean the kitchen. We also talked about long term goals. And guess what! Laurie, Christian, and Sam even worked on goals during free play time!
Well, after two weeks of practicing, Christian felt confident that he had reached his goal!

He knows all of the letters and sounds, just hadn't ever written them except C. So, I guess he just thought about what they looked like in his mind. Not sure why he did it backwards, but I have seen other kids do that before too. It makes me wonder if he is supposed to be left handed. Hmm?

Look at the joy that accomplishing a goal brought to these children! It was awesome and made me want to do even better with my goals!
As an after note, Christian not only was proud of himself, but now likes drawing! He is trying to draw other things beside people now too. Here is one he drew in church 3 Sundays ago.
"Christian at the beach with a dolphin."
Also, this week he decided to try to write his name too! He achieved his goal in three tries. He'll still need to practice it to get it just right, but pretty good for 3 tries.
The first time he was at Drea's house for Joy school and they did bleach drawings. Melanie was there to help since they were using bleach, which is a little risky with 3 year olds. I don't know for certain since I wasn't there, but from what I heard. I am guessing that Drea or Melanie asked him to write his name and he couldn't. Melanie spelled his name out loud, C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N, and this is what he came up with.
I told him great job and asked him to try it again later that afternoon. I never mentioned that it was backwards. This time I wrote C, then he wrote C and so on.
He did OK, but wasn't too into it. His attention span didn't last past the S. I just added the last four letters to show him what it looks like.
Then, on Thursday, Victoria was home sick and I did school here for her. So, Christian was also a student in the school. I gave her a writing assignment and needed one for him too. I told him that before he could draw a picture, he needed to write his name. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ok, that sounds good. I can do that." This is what he did!
He got the letters all right, except for the S which he corrected. Way to go Christian! Now I know that you can do it when you try!
I really think his progress is awesome and I think he can do whatever he puts in his mind to do.