We had preschool here and we focused on V for Valentine,red, hearts, and #2. We had a fun time planning a party for our moms and siblings.
Here are the kids making cookies.
Rolling and cutting the cookies
And a portion of the finished product. Christian's cookies looked awesome and tasted great too!
We also made heart doily invitations and other decorations. Here is the sign they made. I asked them to use the heart cookie cutters as stencils. Christian got a little creative with how he used them- note the tree that the brontosaurus is eating. And look at the two kissing ducks with a heart above their beaks. Christian is a good little artist. I love his imagination!
And here is Christian with his happy helpful heart chart. He did a lot of things this week that showed love. His heart felt happy when he helped others. He gave Grant a lollipop, made a picture for Grandma, taught Victoria a cool leg trick, and helped get school ready for his friends to name a few. He liked the stickers too.
And, just last night, we got to go to a concert at V's school. She and the other 1st graders performed at the PTA meeting. It was supposed to be before Valentine's day, but the snow caused a delay. It was darling anyway and I loved it.
Here is V walking in with her best friend in Farmville, Cally. They were excited and nervous at the same time. They held hands in the beginning. It was pretty cute.
They were terrific though! They looked so nice in their red, white, and pink. They sang and danced to some really cute songs. "Valentine, valentine," "Riding on the New River Train," "Skinamarinkydinkydink, skinamarinkydoo, I love you!" and a couple others. V was front and center and as smiley as she could be, missing teeth and all. Nights like that make my heart feel happy to be a mom.