Christian needed to bring 100 of something to count with at school on the 100th day. He did a good job counting them in groups of 10.
V's class wasn't doing anything, and that isn't her style. She wore 100 curls last year, but thought her hair would be too puffy this year now that her hair is shorter. We were having a tricky time deciding what she could do that would be subtle, but fun, and came up with this- 100 hair rubber bands.
Colorful, sparkly and fun!
My friend Sarah and I got to plan a party for Christian's class, so I made these cupcakes. V wanted some too, so I made them for her class too. It looked like 100 cupcakes, but wasn't really. She had a substitute, who may not have been thrilled with my dropping them by unannounced, but the kids liked them.
100 cupcakes made with gummy worm segments and gummy lifesavers.

Christian and his treats.
Sarah and Carrington- aren't they both so cute?
Mrs. Hodges' happy class! They decorated the neat banner behind them by gluing 100 things on it and made their necklaces too. They did a lot of neat activities that went along with the 100th day theme.
Over halfway through the school year and both V and C are doing good things.Here are a couple praiseworthy things to mention from the last couple weeks.(excuse my bragging- this is our family journal though and we will want to remember these kinds of things.)
- Victoria scored the highest overall on each of the benchmark tests- 100 in math and 95 in reading. She took her time and tried her best and we were pleased with that. Her teacher calls her "Top Dog".
- Christian has started taking AR (accelerated reader) tests and has gotten 100 percent correct so far. He also made a goal to read all of the Hooked on Phonics books through 2nd grade by the end of kindergarten. (I bought them on deep discount this summer and he was not interested at all in trying them. Now he asks too- cool.)We are proud of him for trying new things and setting goals.