April was a bit emotional for me at the start, especially on the one-year anniversary of my dad's passing. There were plenty of great parts too though! I am writing this several months later, so most of what I recall is triggered by photos. Luckily, there are a lot!
It was fun to have my mom join us for sports games and General Conference.
Elder Richins and VanTassel joined us on Sunday too.
And they saw each other at FHE the next night too. Haha, V isn't even ashamed of her messy trunk with these guys. Apparently, the Elders went outside to grab a container from her car to put and came back having found her goggles.
This was after the next week's FHE. It was a really nice Easter Dinner at the Cooper's house. V invited Spencer and Virginia.
After Institute (V has to wear all black to work now, so a lot of pictures of her are in black.)
Christian had fun with track! It is a great team and we love so many of these kids!
Christian also had a theater awards night where he received some great ones!

Although baseball and softball practices have been going for a while, CCL had opening ceremonies and games started!

Danny is Vice President of the Culpeper Little League this season as well as a coach for Katherine's team and an assistant coach for Grant's. He makes a mean MC for events too. This man does a lot for the community.
Grant and friends take the field!
Katherine and the Rams headed out there too.
Play Ball!
I love watching them have fun with their friends and teammates!
Go Grant-man!
We enjoyed a pre- Easter, egg hunt and celebration with the Soderholm family!

I continued with my trend of taking angry pictures of our house being a mess and sending them to family members. I am choosing not to post those, but please remember, children, that when things get busy houses can get messy. Be patient with your children and spouses in the future. While it is not the goal, it happens. Also, be mindful we all need to work together to have a nice home.
It happens in cars too!
On another messy note. Lynnie tells me "Cancer is Messy." (This was the title of an event that they hosted later in the year.) In the spring, Adele had an idea to do a service project for cancer siblings. She asked Katherine and I to help, to which we happily agreed!
We planned to do a bakesale and asked friends to donate baked goods to sell, however Walmart policy changed during Covid and only prepackaged goods were allowed. We didn't let that deter us. Little Debbie's for the win! We added cute stickers.

The girls (and Lynnie) made some really cute posters of Anne and one of her fellow patient friends.
Awesome friends showed up to donate squishes for siblings or money to buy more.
The Bowlers
Katherine's Sunday School teacher, Karen Thornhill.
So many kind donations!
Great turnout and the Genho's were able to distribute these to other families affected by childhood cancer.
Easter Morning before looking for baskets!

They all found them!
We never got around to dying Easter eggs until Easter this year, but didn't want to ruin the tradition!
We went to church and then to Grandma's house
We have fun.
My mom makes things beautiful! Appetizers that she had a grandchild help make and the kids table!
Adult table had special butter too. So cute!
After we enjoyed a nice meal with the family, the kids, even adult kids, went on an Easter Egg hunt.
Always a good day with family!

This is the drop-off at the airport pic before Danny and C took an awesome trip to UT/ID to look at schools and to camp and hike National Parks! They had an amazing adventure and took a lot of great pics, so I will make that a separate post! (Maybe Danny or C will write it!)
This is a picture from when Katherine and I picked them up! I was so happy to have them home and to hear all about their fun!
I didn't take too many pictures during G and K's spring break, but we had a nice laid back week. V was mainly working like usual. The rest of us slept in, ate good food and took a few excursions. Because I am writing this so much later, I can't recall everything that we did. But I found these pictures from fun land, which is appropriately named.

We also hit several local antique stores.

Lastly, what would spring break be without a trip to the beautiful river?!
Also in April, Grant and Katherine and I got to go see our Rappahannock friends in Anastasia. We loved it, especially the music! Once Upon a December and In a Crowd of Thousands were favorites and I have listened to the soundtrack on Spotify many ties since!
What else?
V bought herself a new car!
V had a fun and often hilarious time with her friend, Spencer.
5'1" vs. 6'6"
My mom came for birthday weekend and we were able to see Christian and Mia at their track meet.
V decorated for my birthday!
Mom brought a cookie cake!
Also on my birthday, I was able to participate in and teach at our Stake's FSY Before you Go activity. I love being with the youth in the stake. This one was fun too because Danny came to teach a class (rotations -4 sessions) with me and with John and Charlissa Bridges. It was a lot of fun!
A few more misc pictures from the month! I know, longest post ever! This was so random, but a friend saw this picture of a friend on facebook and sent it to me cause V was in it as her stylist! Love seeing my girl happy in her career, even when she doesn't know she is in the picture!
Also, happy to read that Christian was the Academic Spotlight again as a Junior!
This is a link to the article.
Katherine had some artwork on display at her school's art night.
I love receiving artwork from students when I sub!
Also, a friend sent me this series of pictures of Katherine from one of her games! They are so her! The stance, the striking hit, the shoe tying on third and the, sliding into home. Love this unique girl!
Again- this earthy girl playing with some mud during...
Grant's game. (Here he is in the dugout with Collin and Levi. He has several good friends on the team. Also pictured is Coach Reingruber. They all have a good time together.)
Katherine and friends' paper mache was on display too! So cute!
Happy Month!