We are really looking forward to having a new member of our family and have been happily preparing for our little guy. We got all of the baby supplies that we need out of the attic. I washed all of the baby boy blankets, 0-3 clothes, etc. Danny, repainted and reassembled the crib. He and Christian's room is almost set(although, he'll really be with us for several months). Victoria made a teddy bear for him. Christian has been playing with a baby boy doll a lot lately to get ready too. We are also working on being soft and gentle. Ooh, also, Danny got me a fantastic new camera to use to take pictures of baby Grant! Our other one isn't working half the time and we can't chance newborn pics to an iffy camera. Plus, this has been a tricky pregnancy and Danny thought I deserved a nice present! He's a good guy, huh?
So, a couple weeks ago we went to a baby shower for our friends, Ben and Ashley Estes. They are also having a boy soon. A few days afterwards, Christian felt strongly that we needed to have a party for Grant.
A few of my friends have asked if I was having a shower. I didn't really think it was necessary because we already have a boy and a girl and have everything that we need and I don't want for people to feel like they need to give me anything. But when Christian felt so strongly about it, I changed my mind. Not for myself, but for Grant. One day he will need to know just how excited we were about him coming!
So, for family home evening we had a baby shower! It was totally fun.
During the day the kids helped me make cupcakes- they decorated with blue and green sprinkles.

The actual shower was a celebration, but an
FHE too.

So, we started with a song- "I am a Child of God." Then we had a prayer. Danny and I talked briefly (our lessons are always pretty brief) about how special it is that Heavenly Father is giving us another one of his children to love and take care of.
( Our pics might show the family better if I used my tripod and timer, eh?)
Then, we played a drink from a bottle game. It was a race to see who could drink 2 oz of water the fastest from a bottle. Holy Cow! That is tricky! Victoria and Christian were way better than Danny and I. They thought it was funny.

Victoria won the bottle game!
Next, we made a welcome home banner for Grant. Danny painted the letter outlines and Christian, Victoria, and I painted them. Well, I actually only did 1 or 2. I wanted to take pics.

After that, the kids made signs with their pics to put on the bassinet at the hospital that say, "I'm Victoria" and "Hi Grant. I am your big brother, Christian. I'm glad you're here." Victoria did that to introduce herself to Christian, so we thought it was a good tradition to keep.

We were going to paint my belly, and there was obviously some disappointment that we didn't, but were running out of time and I couldn't take V to cheering with a wet stomach and shirt! We'll have to do that another day.
We closed
FHE with "I Have a Family Here on Earth," a prayer, and our dessert- the cupcakes!
Here's our little chorister. I like that the temple painting is in the background.
We look forward to this little guy coming. There has been some discrepancy (OK, a truly ridiculous amount of discrepancy) between my various due dates, so we aren't exactly sure when he'll arrive. However, I had another ultrasound and OB appt today. They went well. The ultrasound made me mad because it predicted that his EDD was even later! Danny and I feel strongly that that is absolutely impossible. Luckily, my OB was like- "No, we'll stick to the prior ones." 3rd trimester ultrasounds can be off by a lot. However it also guessed that he weighs 6 lbs 14 oz. so far. The weight can be off in either direction. If accurate, he is the smallest of our kids, but totally a healthy size, right? We were really happy because he measured really little in a couple of the earlier ultrasounds and we were nervous about his slow growth. I knew that he would catch up! Other good signs were, that his head is very low- which is cool because V and C never dropped (even a little bit) before labor. Plus, I have dilated more. So, it could be anytime, but it could also be a couple weeks. We decided to schedule to induce on Sept 10 if he doesn't come by then. 2 weeks from Aug. 28th is actually Sept 11, but my Doctor didn't like that birthday as well, so suggested the 9th or 10th. The 10th sounded great to me! (Don't ask why the 9th didn't!!!! Afterwards, I wondered 'what is wrong with me, do I not know numerical order????') Anyway, I didn't ask for this week like I was thinking I might have, but I feel good about the decision. I'm feeling more at ease about the labor- because the cardiologist thinks it'll be fine and he and Dr. Dausche have a plan and another in case it doesn't go as well as we'd like. I think it was freaking me (and Danny) out a little and we wanted to have him come as soon as possible. However after praying and pondering a bit, I'm back to my more normal way of thinking- babies come when they are ready. We are excited to meet Grant whenever he comes!