Anyway, on her birthday the kids and I went to Putt Putt in the morning and Friendly's for lunch. I can't really recall the afternoon all the way, but I know we made cupcakes to take to her friends at cheering practice that night. She had a great day, but it didn't stop there. She really enjoyed the next night when Danny and I took her to Build a bear. This is what she made...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Build A bear
I almost forgot this very important post. Danny was working on V's birthday and late that night too, so he didn't get to see her. He brought her flowers and donuts for a birthday breakfast the night before though and told her he'd be thinking of her all day. He's a good dad. V loved the flowers! Danny has given her flowers before too and she always loves them. She is soooo girly. It's funny.
Anyway, on her birthday the kids and I went to Putt Putt in the morning and Friendly's for lunch. I can't really recall the afternoon all the way, but I know we made cupcakes to take to her friends at cheering practice that night. She had a great day, but it didn't stop there. She really enjoyed the next night when Danny and I took her to Build a bear. This is what she made...
A dog named Lily! She loves her and takes great care of her still.
Christian was beyond upset that he wasn't going to make an animal, so we made a deal with him. He could use some of his own money to buy an outfit for animal he already had. He bought this iron man shirt for George. The deal worked wonderfully because they both had a great time at Build a bear. Christian is so cute and happy with George in a new soft pj shirt!
Anyway, on her birthday the kids and I went to Putt Putt in the morning and Friendly's for lunch. I can't really recall the afternoon all the way, but I know we made cupcakes to take to her friends at cheering practice that night. She had a great day, but it didn't stop there. She really enjoyed the next night when Danny and I took her to Build a bear. This is what she made...
Victoria's Ladybug Picnic Birthday Party
We can hardly believe it! She has been growing so quickly. Victoria wanted to celebrate with a ladybug picnic party, so that is exactly what we did. It was sweet and simple and a lot of fun. It was a good theme for V. Ever since she was a baby she has liked ladybugs. They often land on her, which we have heard is good luck. They even came into her nursery when she was a baby. Strange, huh, to have a little ladybug invasion. It wasn't any other bug or in any other room. In the picture above there is also a cute rock that she painted to look like a ladybug when she was three. And does anyone remember the potato project about 50 posts back? She made a ladybug then too. She also painted her own fingernails and toenails red with black spots the day of the party. I would have helped if she had asked. But, she was pretty pleased with her work, so we let her enjoy them.
So, what would we do at a ladybug picnic you might ask. We started with a picnic style dinner- hot dogs, chips, veggies with dip, and lemonade with Twizzler straws.
Then, Danny did the honors and lit the ladybug cake. V thought the ladybug cake was pretty cute. That was a tricky one for me to come up with, so I'm glad she liked it.
Christian, Alyssa, Ciara, Emma, and the adults sang Happy Birthday!
It looks like she made a good wish! I wonder what she wished for.
After the cake and ice cream we played games. We played a ladybug version of hot potato(with a stuffed ladybug toy), and stick the ladybug on the leaf(instead of pin the tail on the donkey). They were pretty fun. The kids thought it was super funny to spin the moms around blindfolded and sitting on the computer chair and watch us try to put our stickers on the leaf.
Back to the party though, lastly she opened presents. She received some my little ponies and a beautiful homemade purse. She loved them both! The girls had fun playing ponies and Barbies until it was time to go. We gave the girls little bags of red and black jellybellies tied with cute ribbon as they left. It was probably the easiest party that I have hosted, but Danny thought it was the best. V loved it too. We were thankful and hope that she has a fantastic year!
5 going on 16
She's cute...
She's sassy...
She's beautiful...
She is 5 going on 16!
Victoria wanted to do my makeup the other afternoon and I let her. I looked interesting. I did hers too. She looked so old. (well, except for the height and the missing teeth). She is so beautiful to me and I tell her that she will never need makeup, especially mascara, but she is ultra-girly and thinks it is fun. So, here she is having fun in her mom's makeup.
We caught the ice cream man!
cruising and sharing
I thought this was a cute picture of Grant and his friend Joshua. It shows off a couple of his fairly recent skills too. He is still a calm sweet baby and is often content to be held. But, he is starting to get busier. He moves quickly and gets around from room to room with ease. When I ask him to give me something he is holding, he does. He follows a lot of directions, so he is comprehending a lot. He's talking a lot too. He already says several words and even a couple phrases, such as "Hi, dad!" He's a fun buddy to have around.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
more bargains
John the Baptist really ate these?
John, John the Baptist, son of Zacharias, born in the wilderness... ate locusts.
I heard that locusts die after they shed their shell. I'm not sure if that is always true and I haven't done any research to find out. Well, we found this one's shell and he was under a foot away from it. He soon died. Interesting looking bug. I felt bad for it for the slow death and being attacked by these other little insects. Pretty gross. Anyway, when the kids and I were looking at it, I was just thinking about how gross it would be to eat it. It seems John must have been a true wilderness man. Maybe he ate them with a lot of honey?
I heard that locusts die after they shed their shell. I'm not sure if that is always true and I haven't done any research to find out. Well, we found this one's shell and he was under a foot away from it. He soon died. Interesting looking bug. I felt bad for it for the slow death and being attacked by these other little insects. Pretty gross. Anyway, when the kids and I were looking at it, I was just thinking about how gross it would be to eat it. It seems John must have been a true wilderness man. Maybe he ate them with a lot of honey?
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