Friday, July 31, 2015

Christian turns 10!

I love this guy so much! He loves reading and legos and video games. He tells really funny jokes. H sets and accomplishes goals and helps with a lot of chores around the house.  He loves his siblings and is often very sweet to them. He has a caring heart and shows a lot of empathy and compassion for others. We are enjoying watching him grow up and we happy to celebrate his big day.
He enjoyed bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then, he opened his presents! He got a boogie board, a skylander, and a Lego set.

Geemaw stopped by that morning to bring him a present. He was working on his Lego Chima set when she came, so it was cool of her to watch him put it together.
She gave him a pretty neat Swiss Army knife to use for scouting.
Danny was home that day and so the family went to Golden Corral for lunch. C-bass loves it! He is a food fan. He likes both cooking and eating. He decided that instead of a cake, he could just have a couple desserts there. He is a logical kid. I notice that he often does things to make life easier for the family. 

Later, we went to Barnes and Noble to use a gift card.

The rest of day was pretty chill. I just called Christian in to see if he could remember what happened next, but he thinks we just went home and played. I remember that Danny had class and/or a school board meeting that night. 

We went to Water Country the next day and that was fun!

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