Saturday, September 2, 2017

Our New Home

We finally got in, on the 26th, I believe!

I am not going to lie, the process was rough!

We got here and the people were still here too. Still moving things out and the house was really really dirty. I was upset and remembered how nice it looked when we looked at it, I knew it wasn't perfect, but it was very well staged. Staging and cleaning to sell is so important. I was just upset because I had put so much care and effort into making our old house look as nice as possible for the new owner. All of the drawers and cupboards, appliances, bathrooms, baseboards, floors etc. were completely clean. I had  dusted all of the blinds and light fixtures. We replaced bad carpet before selling, we touched up scuffs on walls, filled in nail holes, etc.

I was really mad and overwhelmed to get the opposite- floors that appeared to not have been cleaned since our showing, dust, dirt, trash everywhere, food in the fridge, many left items, etc.

To be fair, they were trying to get out of there and probably had no malicious intent. They had wanted to close a bit later, but we wanted to close sooner so we met in the middle. That was probably why they were so behind on the timeline. From my understanding, the couple was divorcing and the man was the one moving things out. He had a bit of help and they were hurriedly taking things away.  They did leave a patio table and a few chairs and some furniture in the basement, so that was a bonus too. We knew that they would leave the basement sofa and chairs, which was cool. That enabled us to leave our huge sectional in the playroom at our last house.

Our realtors called a cleaning company to come. She came and ran a floor cleaner over the wood floors a few times. It was a big help. She couldn't stay long because her kids were with her. It was a bit chaotic, but she was very kind and it was awesome that she was willing to come by last minute.

I know this is a crazy thing to be upset about, but I was just really overwhelmed! I don't even know why I remember these feelings so vividly, but I think it was just that. I felt like I had to do it alone. Danny was working really hard at a new school at the beginning of the school year. Both tough and time consuming for principals. Have I ever mentioned that he tends to be a bit of a work-a-holic anyway? He was also working on his phd (although he just finished his summer coursework and was taking a bit of a break from that to work on work).

On the brighter side, I LOVE this new house. It is pretty good already, but I see beautiful potential in my mind! When it is decorated and painted the way I would like it to be, it will be amazing!

Next, we were WONDERFULLY welcomed here!

First, we received a beautiful house plant arrangement from our friends, the Engs, in Isle of Wight, wishing us luck in our new town and home. I wish I had a picture of it! The thought behind it brought tears to my eyes. They knew a bit about our reasons for moving and it meant a lot that they were still thinking of us. FYI, the plant lived for over a year and a half and brought a lot of joy.

We also received a sweet welcome card, fresh picked tomatoes, chocolate chip cookies, and flowers from our neighbors across the street! It took me a while to meet them in person, but it made me feel so good that they wanted to say hello and introduce themselves.

The next day the trailer was dropped off and Danny's brothers and a bunch of faculty members from CCHS came and helped us unload! It was so very generous! We were so appreciative!

One of those teachers, Beth Lane, not only came to help, but gave us the sweetest gift! Such a kind gesture!

I love it!

And a family in our neighborhood, the Gyory's surprised us with a beautiful potted mum on our front porch! So very kind and welcoming! 

Image result for yellow mums

These things all made us feel so good. So in spite of the work of cleaning, unpacking, and making this place a home, we were very thankful to be in a town full of good, caring people!

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