Saturday, February 2, 2019


We didn't take any pictures jumping, but one Satuday night we crazily didn't have anything to do. This felt very odd, so we bought a groupon and went to the Skyzone, a trampoline park, in Fredricksburg. We all jumped, dunked basketballs, jumped into pits, tried the Ninja Warrior course and more. Danny can still do flips on trampolines. Some of his students and parents were there and I think they were impressed. I had a very embarrassing moment on the obstacle course. I was doing a good job and got to the last section. It was 3 hanging door type structures. I got on the third and last one, but couldn't grab the knob that led to the ending platform. I became terrified of falling for some reason and was clinging on for dear life. My arms were starting to shake, but I didn't want to give up at first and just felt afraid to fall next. Danny was telling me to just fall to the mat below, but I thought I was going to hit my face or something on the door, so I couldn't let go. I finally fell and it was totally fine- falling on an air cushion. My fear was totally irrational, but really real and out of nowhere. Honestly, the next day I had bruising on my arms and chest from clinging so tightly. Yikes, what the heck! I really don't know what triggered that craziness. It was a great workout and was overall a lot of fun! I would definitely go again, but I am unsure about whether I would try the ninja course again. On the way out Katherine added her sticker to this giant sticker ball.

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