Monday, September 30, 2019

September Sports and Stories

Grant is having a good football season.

Sunday School with some of my YW

These girls are fun, sweet, and a bit sassy too.

Tarheels are a hardworking team and they have a great coaching staff!
Katherine stayed up really late one night when we took V and C and some friends to a dance in Richmond. We watched a movie in the car and then got ice cream, so we had fun too.
It is fun that they have made friends all around the state!
How cute is Christian carrying his tired little sister up to bed?! He is going to be such a great dad one day. He is always so good to her.
These two best buddies are so cute!
Victoria wanted to ask Joseph to homecoming, so her friends helped helped her to decorate his car for his birthday and ask him to homecoming.

She was so nervous, but he said yes! She was super excited.
Another big day Junior year- Class Ring Day!

She picked a really pretty one!

Victoria cut Katherine's hair again. She did a great job, so I let her do mine too. She is getting good! 

Grant got the offensive player of the week trophy! However, being the crazy family that we are, we accidentally broke it. I was thankful for an understanding and forgiving coach and a local trophy shop to buy a replacement.

Our boys went with Bobby to see "The Bears" play the Redskins. They had a great time! The Bears won and Grant was on Monday Night Football. People loved their Mike Ditka looks.

Sometimes when it is raining before school and we can't go to a park, we wander target.

Because a football game was moved to a Thursday, V and some friends were able to go kayaking one Friday. They had fun.

So many cheer competitions! They got better every time and always had fun dancing afterward.
Grant was glad to be in safety patrol.

Katherine started getting letter grades this year and is off to a great start! 

I planned a fun activity for the youth, but I couldn't be there that night. So we brought them home and tried some of the games here. So fun. 
Grant came up with some fun uses too.
Everyone likes when I have freezer meals on hand. I have a bunch right now! Yay!

Making lots of batches of applesauce quickly in the instant pot! So good.

Mat time- stunt time

Game time! There's coach Deanna! She is so good!

My kids really enjoy the maker fair every year.
I was impressed with my kids' confidence singing karaoke at a pig pickin. FYI- Danny cooked the pig overnight! It was so sad though because he had to leave when we were coming and didn't even get any of the pork. I hadn't known that or I definitely would have brought him some.

Another good and busy month.

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