We had a good time at our Branch's Christmas party. We had a nice dinner, a white elephant gift exchange, Santa Claus, a little sing along, and a nativity. It was kinda nice to not be the one planning it, but it was still kinda tricky for me to get back from a 2 hour drive from gingerbread houses in Williamsburg, change clothes, reheat the turkey(which was so moist thankfully- we covered it in the drippings and it worked perfectly to make it the night before.), make stuffing, and wrap the pies, all in less than an hour. Without Danny of course. He was working a wrestling tournament. So, after dragging all of the kids and food in, taking pictures of Santa, serving the 4 plates, and feeding a busy 1 year old on my lap, Danny came late and had a blast with the white elephant gift exchange while I supervised the crazy kids running around our tiny church. I was slightly irritated, but oh well. I kinda liked playing games like "Santa says..." Plus, I think V and C like it when I play with them and their friends sometimes. The kids had a good time and Danny did too.
Victoria was one of the first children to be called to see Santa.
Grant was slightly terrified.
"Christian, tell me, have you been a good boy?"
Santa brought a present for all of the kids! About half of these kids are in the Branch and the other half are friends.

The kids loved being in the Nativity and did a great job singing afterwards! V and C were both angels this year.
Grant was very tired
by the end of the night.