So, I have gotten so far behind on posting since we moved. I am trying to play catchup before the new year starts. Just a few pics of Thanksgiving.
We spent the night before at my parents house. Danny played flag football in the morning and the kids and I watched the parade and played at my parents house. I think I also did some couponing.
Then we went to GG's house for Thanksgiving. The kids had fun in the teepee and we all enjoyed the feast!
Just a cute pic of my mom reading to niece Ella.
Granddad, Danny's paternal grandpa, was there with his wife, Ruthann. They came from Massachusets and we don't get to see them too often, so it was pretty neat to get to see them. Danny and Grant and I spent the night at TJ and Whitney's house and we had fun with them. Victoria and Christian had fun having a sleepover at Geemaw and Papas with the rest of the family. Check out these two pics of V, Camila, and Megan. They have fun together. Soooo girly!

We spent the night before at my parents house. Danny played flag football in the morning and the kids and I watched the parade and played at my parents house. I think I also did some couponing.
Then we went to GG's house for Thanksgiving. The kids had fun in the teepee and we all enjoyed the feast!
Just a cute pic of my mom reading to niece Ella.
Then we went to Danny's parents and celebrated Megan's birthday. Here the cousins are about to do the My Little Pony pull pinata.
It was a fun Thanksgiving weekend and we have a lot to be thankful for. Life is good.
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