This week I taught preschool for the last time until Grant is 3! It will be weird not preparing and presenting lessons during next school year. We have been doing in-home preschool with friends since V was 3. 2 years for her and 2 years for Grant.
I love doing it, but it will be nice to have a year off too. I guess Grant and I will read lots of books, play folder games, and do other fun learning stuff on our own next year.
Anyway, here is a look at Christian's last preschool week!

We studied Oo for Octopus and Ocean life. It is a fun theme. It may look familiar to Melanie and Traci because I taught similar lessons to our kids a couple years ago. I didn't take pictures of some of the best activities- I guess I am busy then.
I always seem to be able to grab the camera at snack time though. On Tuesday we made our own ocean scenes to eat.

Juniper liked to hammer graham crackers to make sand.

Jack was very proud of how his scene looked.

Christian was pleased with how his ocean tasted. "Mmm not too salty."

Grant enjoyed his too! Can you tell?
Other highlights included playing seafood limbo, diving under the sea(a blue blanket) to find sea life, and reading a funny book about a dog with chicken pox and an octopus in the bathtub.
On Thursday, the kids felt proud to show and tell their octopus pictures and a fact that they learned about Octopuses.

Juniper taught us that Octopuses have "no bones."
Jack taught us that they have "suction cups".
Christian taught that they sometimes use ink as a defense mechanism "to confuse a shark or something that is trying to eat it."
They took turns looking at 4 non-fiction books about Octopuses and loved the pictures! It is so awesome when you find a subject that makes kids so excited and eager to learn!

We ate octopuses for snack today.

Ok, they were really hot dogs.

We also played some number games outside on the driveway.

"Swim like a fish to zero."

And check out this octopus windsock that Christian made. It is so cute and blowing in the breeze as I type. We'll enjoy it!
This theme made me excited to take a trip to an aquarium sometime soon and to see the new IMAX Under the Sea that I saw a preview for tonight(I think it is already at Redbox- next movie night?)