Wednesday, March 2, 2011

V is going to play lacrosse this spring

Farmville is now offering girls and boys lacrosse, so that is the sport that V picked. She was excited to get her cute pink lacrosse stick in the mail! Danny found some brand new addidas with pink stripe cleats in her size at play it again sports and she got some balls and a mouthguard and even pink eyewear, so she is set!

A couple days later we found another brand new women's stick at Goodwill for $2. Even though she already has hers we bought it. She could use it in the future when she is taller, but for now we can practice with her! Fun find!

She went to her first skills clinic and when she got back and I asked how it was and if she liked it, She responded, "I didn't like it, I loved it! It was AWESOME!" She is also excited because her friend, Cally, is going to play too! Look forward to some upcoming action shots!

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