Sunday, June 5, 2011

V's class party!

Victoria's class party was on the last day of school right at the end of the day. It was fun. We surprised Mrs. Venable with a  round of applause as she came into the classroom and presented her with a "Let's give her a hand" basket from her students and some of their parents. We think that she worked hard this year and deserved an applause! We hope she will enjoy her goodies and her manicure gift certificate.

Then, they surprised their student teacher, Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Venable and the students presented her with a t-shirt with a picture of all of them from their Natural Bridge field trip. They all signed the shirt- she said she will put it up on display in her classroom next year. They also gave her handmade cards and Mrs. Venable gave her a great stash of supplies, books, and goodies to help start her classroom.
She loved the gift and it made her cry.
 Then, the kids hugged her.

After this, the kids enjoyed lots of goodies that parents sent in. Victoria and I made "Thunder Cake." We got the recipe from a book by the same title that they read this year. It was a chocolate cake with a special ingredient, tomato. It was topped with chocolate frosting and sliced strawberries.We brought in cupcakes to make it easier. I should have photographed them. We worked hard to make them the night before and they looked and tasted pretty good. V and I were pleased with ourselves. 

Then, Mrs. Venable drew tickets for prizes. I don't know how many tickets there were total, but Mrs. Venable kept reminding people that each student had between 5 and 30 tickets in the jar, so the people with the most tickets would probably get called the most. Well, probability worked in V's favor as she was the kid with 30, so her initials were called a lot. "V.S. .... V.S."  She picked a lot of fun prizes, including books and a cd.   She was pleased. We are thankful that she is well behaved at school and a good student. We hope that continues! We also hope that in the future she will be healthier and have better attendance. She missed about 22 days this school year- strep throat 3 times, flu once, and just about every other virus that came around. Poor girl. A post for another time.
 Essence, Mrs. Walker, Victoria, and Annaleigh (one of V's great friends)
 Smart funny friend, Damond, and V.
 Alex, Devonte, and TreQuan. Cute playful boys. Sometimes I want to take TreQuan home with me. He always seems so hungry for love and attention.

And last but not least, V and Mrs. Venable. Victoria and Mrs. Venable have a special bond. They joke together and really enjoy each other. We are glad for that. V will miss her.

1 comment:

Ioana said...

I love it when the kids get such wonderful teachers. I'm glad V got to have her. Mabye Christian will get her too. I always hope that my kids get the same teachers their siblings had.
ps: great job at pampering her. I don't think teachers are appreciated enough for all their hard work.