Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Harry Potter Party

Christian and Danny have read the first couple Harry Potter books together and Christian likes them, so he wanted a Harry Potter party. Although, I don't know too much about the books and only saw the first movie, I figured we could do that! Danny helped a lot! So did other people's ideas on the internet.

First, the kids decorated their own wands.
 and enjoyed casting spells and eating them.
Then, they had Quiditch practice- races, relays, etc.

 love Christian's happy face.
Danny was a good coach


 Then, we had a potions class. They tried dragon scales and unicorn blood first. The unicorn blood made the scales come halfway back to life and they tickled their tongues.(water and pop rocks)


 Next, they mixed bone powder and witches spit and it erupted!

Grant coulldn't believe it!
Next they tried, Bertie Bots (only they were jelly bellies) and tried to identify the flavors. Such dramatic children!

 Then we went back out for some magic soda and cake and ice cream!

 love his face! The soda was pretty cool!
 Christian requested either a giant spider or a 3- headed dog cake. Um... I opted for the spider.
 He liked it though, which made me glad.
 Christian had a great time with his friends and gave them each a Quiditch stick goodie bag to take home.

1 comment:

Linda Picard said...

Thanks Danny this was great. Happy birthday Christian. Looks like everyone had a great time. It's great that the cousins are close.