Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Meeting Scott and Chrissy
Scott and Chrissy and the girls came out a few Saturdays ago to meet our sweet new babe. I think she was 3 weeks old then. It was fun to introduce her to her aunt and uncle and cousins. We had a fun cookout in the backyard and the cousins had a great time playing. I didn't really take pictures of that, but wanted to be sure to get a few pictures of meeting the special family members.
I think everyone liked meeting Katherine and she was certainly happy to be held. Thanks for coming guys!
I am realizing now as I type these things that I am about a month behind, but at least I am catching up! These pictures are from Katherine's first bath after her umbilical cord stump fell off. She had only had sponge baths until this point. And frankly, it was her only bath this way. We just did it for the pictures. We have a baby bath thing to put in the tub, but don't love giving baths in that either. So,we generally just bring her into the shower with one of us because she feels so much more secure in the water that way. She actually really seems to like being in the shower, but I don't think Danny and I would be up for any nude photos. Anyway, here are a few cute pictures of her first and probably last bath until she can sit well on her own.

Testing the water.
washing her pretty head and hair
She wasn't so sure about being hit by the water.
She felt better with my hand on her.
Happy to be clean, dry, and held again! What a cutie!
By the way, this is the bathroom that Danny remodeled! Looks quite a bit better, huh? We still need to add a few finishing touches, but it looks so much better than 70's green tile and ivy wallpaper!
Girl's night with a special teacher and friends
Victoria enjoyed a special outing the other night with her Sunday School teacher from last year, Pam Henshaw. Pam is great and really loved the kids she taught. She took Victoria and Autumn to Sweet Frogs the other night for a special treat! Amy, Sis. Henshaw's soon to be daughter in law went too.Victoria looked forward to it all week and had a great time. We are thankful for good examples and influences in our children's lives. Thanks, Pam, for giving V special attention after Katherine was born. So sweet of you!
Christian's Sahara Desert cake
Christian decorated this cake for a geography project at school. He picked "desert." We decided though that because deserts can be so different he needed to pick a specific desert before he wrote about what people in the desert eat, wear, live etc. He chose the Sahara desert and we read about the nomadic people who live there. So, he put a nomadic man, camel, fig tree, tent, and rug on his cake. Oh, and of course, sand! He did a really great job and did the icing, pouring, and placing without much help at all. I cut it to look like the continent of Africa though. It is sideways in the pictures though. He did a great job!
good missionaries
We have had really good missionaries serving in the Farmville branch. Sister missionaries came to serve here in June this year. Sis. Stromburg and Sis. Brown were here for a long time. While they were here, the Hancocks, a full-time missionary couple came to serve. They are awesome and will likely appear in future posts. Then when Sis. Brown went home, Sis. Schefsick (I know I am spelling that wrong. I need to double check her nametag came.) It has been so nice to have them over to eat on a regularly scheduled basis and not have to worry about whether Danny would be home from wor or not. Anyway, we don't take pics enough, but Sis. Stomburg stopped by before she left. It was cool because she was here when I first announced I was pregnant and stayed long enough to be able to meet her!
Katherine and Reagan
Katherine's first friend- Regan Vogel! They hang out with their moms every Monday night for Bachelor Night. (Some of my friends and I watch the Bachelor, but are trying documentaries for the off season). This is a picture of them hanging in their carseats at the pool while Grant and McKenna had swimming lessons. Katherine is 2 weeks in this picture and Regan is almost 3 months.

And a side to side comparison from the day of Katherines newborn photo shoot. The difference between 7 and 12 lbs looks pretty big, huh? Soon they will look the same age. I think they will have fun together!
Since then she has met several more friends! Gavin Haskins was just born and several other friends and an aunt are pregnant now too. So exciting!
Growing Grant
Just a few pictures of Grant. He sure seems older since Katherine is here!
This is one of Grant's favorite outfits- anchor shirt and sweat pants. Also among the favorite pieces are a soccer tank top, red basketball type shorts, and a striped red polo shirt(he likes it with these sweatpants). I think it is a comfort thing. Surprisingly, I have become laid back enough in my parenting to not fight this battle everyday, so he often looks like this. The other day, he looked like this and I asked him if he had gotten into the Hershey's syrup. He admitted he had. He just poured it straight into a cup without milk. Yum!? |

And a quick pic. from swimming lessons. ( Courtney took her camera the other day, but they told us the rule was no pictures of other peoples' kids even if you know them- weird.)Grant has been taking swimming lessons from Elise at the YMCA every Friday since September. His classmates are Jaclyn, Lola, McKenna, and Landon. Grant was slow to warm up to the water, but really likes it now and is learning and doing more each week. We will probably continue every week until he is in school. It is free, which is awesome! We love Elise- she is a friend of ours and is fantastic with kids! And the group of kids and moms all get along really well and sometimes have lunch or play at a park afterward.
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