The activity day girls at church had a night to show their talents and tell about some of the things that they have been working on this year. It was a really special night and we were so proud of Victoria and her friends for the good things they are doing. The theme was daughters of a King and was really neat. 
Some of the things on the table are her scriptures, a medal from a race she ran, clothing that she designed for the "Modest is Hottest fashion show", a flute, her newest instrument, jelly beans to stand for a choice and accountability activity that they had earlier in the year, an egg to remember when they "egged" the Arbuckles house at easter time and more.
The girls sang a song as a group.
They each presented individually too. Victoria really likes developing new talents. Sometimes, we wish that she would just pick something and stick with it, but we admire her efforts to be be well rounded too. She really is a confident kid. That makes me so glad!
I really hope she always remembers that she is a princess. A daughter of our Heavenly Father, who loves her so much!
Quin, V, Macey, Lorien, Katie, Cadence, and Rachel
Victoria and Cadence invited a friend from school too. We were glad that Kayla could come with us. She is a really sweet girl. Glad that V has found some good friends here.
Her leaders, Sis. Todd and Sis. Potter, are awesome! We are so thankful for the time, effort, and love that they put into serving these girls and putting nights like these together.