Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Trying Again!

“What could you
do better for your
children and your
children’s children
than to record the
story of your life, your triumphs over
adversity, your recovery after a fall,
your progress when all seemed black,
your rejoicing when you had finally
President Spencer W. Kimball

It may or may not be a secret that I have struggled on and off with some pretty bad depression since moving to Carrollton. My mental health has been a struggle for nearly 3 years,  but this summer was really good and I am feeling a lot more back to normal! My life has been and is great! I really am very blessed. Great things have happened all around me. I knew it! I could see it! I only couldn't feel it. I know a lot of people do not understand and I am glad that you can't understand. I am just glad that I am able to feel joy more fully again. I don't know how my mind was fixed, but I sure am glad that things are looking brighter. Now, I am going to go back and try to catch up the best I can! I am nearly 2 years behind, so wish me luck! It will be mainly pictures!


Ioana said...

Brooke, I am so glad you're back to blogging! Can't wait to read all of the updates and adventures of your beautiful family.
Depression is very real and super hard to explain. I have been battling it on and off for many years. The Gospel sure helps a lot in dealing with it. I'm so glad you found happiness again. You're an awesome lady!

Paige said...

Glad to hear things are getting better. I know my experience with it has been different than yours but nonetheless it is very real to anyone that has to deal with it. Can't wait to see your silly, crazy, fun posts!