Friday, August 24, 2018

Kate- Not a fan of Mornings, Uniforms or Cheer Shoes!

Usually Katherine is happy as a clam! I would say that she is happy about 95% of the time- a very EASY child to parent. However, when she is not, she is not! 
Katherine was up late watching the football game and she was tired in the morning. 
Even though she was super tired, she thought she was really excited to get her uniform.

But it turns out, she hated the way it felt! She only wanted to wear it with a tshirt under it. And her normal sneakers. The new ones felt too puffy! (FYI, the transition from crocs to sneakers has been extremely difficult every year.  She was just barely getting used to wearing these for school)

If I hadn't taken pictures, people who know her would not believe that she ever acted this way. I thought it was good to remember  for one day when she is a mother. V and I both had extreme trouble with the way things felt as children, so it appears to run in the family. It wasn't really worth a fight, so she sat on my lap. 

I knew that she was frustrated with herself and embarrassed and I was really frustrated and embarrassed too. I love her though and knew she needed kindness because asking and pleading didn't help and neither did getting mad. I tried to be as patient as possible. Danny came at half time and pretended that he didn't know that she hadn't cheered the whole first half because of her shoes. (I had texted him to give him a head's up while he was at Grant's baseball game.) He said, "Oh, halftime is almost over. Time to put your shoes back on! I can't wait to watch you cheer!"

And, like a light switch, she was fine!

Cute and happy as could be!

Thank goodness! 

She really had fun!

And enjoyed the goldfish afterward! 

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