Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday!

We went to church at the Culpeper ward in the morning and enjoyed a great Easter service. 

We went to my parents house in Richmond in the afternoon. We were thankful to see my dad at home! With everything going on with his health right now, I was so thankful to be able to be with him. And because I am unsure of what the future holds, I was extra thankful to think about the Resurrection and the ability to be together forever eternally. 

The kids enjoyed the traditional Easter egg hunt.

They also enjoyed beautiful handmade treats from Chelsea Gregory, an amazing friend of my parents, who knew that my mom wouldn't have had the time to do all of the things that she usually likes to do to spoil the grandchildren. Wasn't that so kind?! My parents' ward and their friends have been amazing! I am so very thankful for all of them for loving and serving my parents in such thoughtful and selfless ways!
It was a really special day and I was so thankful to be together!

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