Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July Jumble

A bunch of extra pics that I didn't post about....

When your husband works on his school's shrubs on his day off...
and his folded laundry pile looks like this...
He might be too full of BDP.

 These cute boys had fun going to the Sheriff's baseball camp together.
They had a huge group at the camp.

They have fun playing together off the field too.

Pretty butterflies in our yard.
I was proud of Christian for his hard work in our yard.

Grant was pretty excited to go to the Sheriff's football camp, CFA's camp, amd to get to start practicing with the Tarheels.
V's job is pretty great! She got a certification to teach swim lessons and has started doing that before or after a lot of her shifts! I am so proud of her. She has had good success with her students and I am proud of her for being a go-getter!
Who doesn't love a moo-thru cone?!
 Love lazy reading time too!

I finally took these kids to Krispy Kreme for their "Report Card Donuts"

Lion King

Katherine did CFA cheer camp too to kick off her season!
Danny put up a zipline in the yard!

Visits to Grandma and Grandpa!

We met up with Paige and her kids too! They came to Richmond to a family reunion, in spite of Paige's colon cancer diagnosis and treatment! She is handling this like a champ! 
I am still the YW president at church. This was Caroline and Johanna's last Sunday in our ward and we will miss them tremendously.

I love this crazy crew!

Special outing with Christian- so fun!

Crafts with Kate

Grant made one too!

How lucky am I to get to spend time with these wonderful humans?! I love summer!

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