Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Swim Team 2019

Katherine and Grant swam for the Barnstormers and both improved so much this year! Grant could already swim pretty well, but Katherine went from struggling to swim at all to being able to dive in and swim  to the end of the pool and back, even in a relay race. The swim team was a great way to start the day at a reasonable time and gave us plenty of sunshine and exercise. They worked hard, made friends, and had fun!

Danny and I enjoyed making new friends, volunteering as timers at all of the meets, and cheering for our kids. I realize that there aren't many pictures of them actually swimming, but there are tons of race videos. Unfortunately, those aren't posting properly.

They were very pleased with their medals and also earned lots of ribbons over the course of the great season. We were thankful for a laid back, fun atmosphere, that still helped them learn and grow a lot!

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