Saturday, October 24, 2020

Super Saturday!

Yowell Elementary hosted a creative drive through fall festival!
Katherine and I really enjoyed it.

The teachers and staff set up tents with handouts or activities. It was so nice to see so many familiar and loving faces. I typically like to volunteer and be in the school a lot and it is really weird that I haven't seen so many of these teachers for months. 
Katherine saw Mrs. Franklin!

She saw Mrs. Wensel too! Mrs. Wensel teared up when she saw Katherine and said that she missed Kate's hugs. She asked for permission to give her a hug and I said yes. Not going to lie, I totally teared up too. These teachers are so special. Mrs. Wensel was the perfect kindergarten teacher for Kate and we just love and respect her so much. Can you imagine teaching Kindergarten, or elementary school in general, during a pandemic? They are working so hard and doing amazing things!

They got STEM projects to take home and make, got to get out of the car for a couple games, and did another game or two through the car window.

At the end, the kids were able to pick up prizes for participating in the fall fundraiser. Katherine thought these prizes were pretty cool! Thanks, Grandma!

Next, we went to Grant's games(double header). He hit a home run!!! It was so exciting to see!

Way to go!

That afternoon we went to a pumpkin carving party at the Parker's house. They do it every year and it is a really cool get together. Danny and Christian had to miss it because they were at the school getting ready for another night of the haunted trail.

Cool pumpkins, guys! I should have gotten a picture of Grant and Dawson together.

So much fun!


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