Monday, May 31, 2021
End of May 2021
Katherine and I had fun going to parks, geocaching, and hoverboarding on some of her last days at home while the boys were at school.
Christian got an award for theater! We enjoyed going to his track meets.
Grant continued to play baseball. I thought it was really cool that he played catcher one game! Also, his report card was awesome!
I am going to brag here. All of the kids made straight As through the school year. In spite of the pandemic, they progressed! I am really proud of them.
No volunteers were allowed this year, so I missed field day. It was a really nice surprise when a teacher friend sent these cute pictures of Katherine having a blast with her friends!
We went to the river for Memorial Day Weekend and had a great time! Victoria has been going on a lot of dates with her friend, JT, so spent the afternoon with him and his family on Sunday. If memory serves me, he had just had his wisdom teeth removed. ( I write this much later and back-date.)
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Victoria's CCHS Graduation
Class of 2021 had an interesting last year and a half of high school and had to be so adaptable through it all. Graduation was just right for their experience- outside and social-distanced with limited tickets on a very unseasonably cold, rainy, and windy May morning!
Yet, we were happy to be there. We had to laugh at just how miserable the conditions were. Umbrellas flying inside out and shivering spectators just fit.
Victoria was one of the two Senior speakers!
V spoke about Resilience and did a fantastic job! It was so cool to see her on the stand with Danny. He gave a great speech too and you could see that he was so proud of her. (Truth: I couldn't see the podium at all during the graduation, but saw the video afterward.) This picture was shared with us and I love it!
So happy for this class! I know and love so many of these kids and can't wait to see what else they achieve in their lives!
I love that they could be in high school together for these special years!
So proud of my bright, bold, happy girl!
We were excited to host a pop by and visit kind of party for her that afternoon!
She had some pretty amazing teachers, coaches, and friends over the years! She was blessed to have so many friends and relatives stop by to celebrate with her!
Haha, we joke that this is one of the most awkward pictures we have ever seen of V. She is so touchy and warm normally and good friends with these Elders, but didn't want to touch them.
We watched her speech and had dinner and dessert with the family. Bravo!
We are so happy for her! V, we know that you will continue to grow and accomplish many amazing things in your lifetime!
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Seminary Graduation
Victoria attended early morning seminary for four years. This year was a little different because it was virtual. Even after finishing school early, she still woke up bright and early to start the day studying the scriptures. Christian too! Bro. Espley had a hard job teaching students virtually so early in the morning, but he persisted and so did the students. I am really proud of them!
V and Brother Espley. He was her teacher for two years.
Although the picture is somewhat distorted, I wanted to include it. V was invited to speak about the blessings of seminary. She did a great job.
V with Brent and Bracken, the three graduating seniors from the Culpeper seminary. V really respects these guys.
V and Jonah, a good friend from the stake
V and Sis. Smith, Victoria's teacher sophomore year.
Not included is Sis. Lisa Clubb, V's teacher. She moved, but V adored her. Lisa and Victoria have similar personalities and Lisa made seminary so much fun!
Our seminary graduate! Another year down, Christian!
I really am proud of my kids for giving consistent effort. It isn't always easy or fun, but it is worth it because you are learning and growing so much!
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