Friday, December 31, 2021

December 2021

Pickings were slim and I wasn't thrilled, but we got a tree!

I don't usually remember to take many pictures of the things I do or attend that aren't my kids. I was glad that Nicole took pictures of a Tacky Christmas party at Dawn's house!

The amazing host and hostess

It was a fun night with a great white elephant exchange! 

Katherine and mom and I saw the Chosen Christmas.

It wasn't what we were expecting, but was still really good!

Played at the house a bit too. This elf has been a hit for years!

Gordonsville on the way home is always so dreamy!

We went to see the progress on the Richmond temple and then on a tacky light tour in Richmond with the Genhos. The temple tour was cool because the missionary couple there told us about the progress on the temple and showed us a video about it in a trailer on site. Then, we had dinner with them- we packed it in coolers beforehand. The couple really enjoyed it because it felt a bit like being with family and was a little different from their everyday routine. They were so gracious! 

The light tour was in conjunction with an event for families going through pediatric cancer. So, we stopped by my mom's house first while they drove through and were given presents from the sponsoring organization. Then we met up and divided into two cars. Parents and younger girls in one and teenagers in the other. We enjoyed looking at the amazing decorations in the Walton Park neighborhood.

Wild women!

Grant had a successful start to his season. 

We love watching him do his best!

Katherine and I went to the Nutcracker with Grandma!

We really enjoyed it!

Then we went to the State VHSL Theater Festival.

We loved it again! 
They won second place in the state!

Cookie exchange at Dawn's house! Yum they were all so good and nice to have an assortment on hand! Dawn's spicy chex mix was so good too and I have copied it a couple times since. Of course, the company was great too! Thankful for this fun friend group!

I got a lot of love from Mrs. Bopp's 2nd grade class during my first week subbing!

Danny and I had a quick getaway for our anniversary. Riverhouse is beautiful even in the winter!
We put together this cool puzzle together and watched a movie too.

Danny planned a cool present for me and gave it to me in clues! A carnival cruise at the beginning of January! Very cool!

We had a lot to prep for Christmas this year, but it was really fun to do!

Only one more day until Christmas!

Christmas Eve was a little different this year. All holidays are different without my dad. We miss him a lot. My mom is doing a really good job on her own despite missing him terribly. It was also different because we weren't able to go to see the Legendary Santa again. This was a major disappointment because Hailey was selected to be a snow queen this year and we really wanted to go and see her in that role, take pictures, and see Santa. Due to covid, they pre-sold tickets and sold out before we could get them.  Lastly, V was working and had to drive separately/come late. We took this picture with Mary before she was here.

We alternate years and last year was pizza, so this year it was Chinese.

Such a cool uncle to these boys! Thanks, Scott, Chrissy, and girls!

Cookies for Santa

Well, treats. He probably needs carrots too. 

I saw that Christian posted this. "Ya'll rockin with Gordonsville?" He loves it too!!

Kids and Grandma had a fun sleepover!

V got us all matching pjs and gave them to us on Christmas Eve! She is working so hard and is so generous with her money. She is sure to be successful financially in life because she is such a great saver and also a thoughtful and generous spender.

Exciting morning!

It looks like a stampede from this angle.

Katherine still gets to come in first!

Super awesome morning and I am glad my mom could be with us! Love the pjs, V! Thanks again. 

Then, we pretty quickly tidied, changed, and made brunch.

We had 8 really awesome missionaries come over for brunch and games! We loved having them!

Sis. Palmer, Sis. Hilton (YSA) Sis. Updike, Sis. Benson (Piedmont), Elder Schow, Elder Morrison, Elder Miller, Elder Newbold (Culpeper and Piedmont Spanish)

We love these missionaries and the special spirit that they bring into our home.
Then, we went to Williamsburg to be with the Soderholms! We tried a smaller nativity this year to see if it was more reverent. It was .

Love my sister-in-laws!
These were all quilts from Geemaw. Grant got a snack-themed quilt.

The whole crew! It was a great few days and we felt very blessed!

The next few days included playing, working, building, and preparing.

Digging for gems.

New grill!


These guys built the set for the school's upcoming musical!

Girls Night at Macados!

Victoria helped plan a New Year's Eve dance for the YSA. It looked incredible because Kim Cooper decorated for it! V mainly danced with her bestie, Jeff, but made a few new friends too. I will need her pictures. 

Since I am writing this so much later, I can't recall what the rest of us did for New Year's. Eek. Anyone? I should have taken pictures or kept up with the blog or both.

I will say that as I go back through and write these posts, I can see that we live amazingly full lives. Heavenly Father blesses us abundantly in so many ways and we have so many reasons to be happy.


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