Monday, January 31, 2022

January 2022=Snow, Covid, Organizing, and Backing

Beautiful snow extended our break!

Sledding fun! Watch V's reels for some good clips.

Hot chocolate from Geemaw's house.

New Youth theme! I LOVE it!

Got this storage room back in order! Since, I have restocked some things, but am keeping it tidy.

We went through some storage items from the other side too, like some of our boxes of Christmas things.

The kids really enjoyed sorting through tubs of children's books. We got rid of a lot. However, they loved so many of them, that I saved a lot for their future children to enjoy!

We are so blessed to be able to go to family members' homes for holidays, but from time to time we want to do a feast here. Happy random feast day! Yum!

Looks good!

I love it when V helps me prep freezer meals! The whole family is blessed! These ones were all so good too!

Sad news. Our family got covid! Danny and I tested before the cruise and without symptoms he was positive, so we couldn't go. I didn't feel terrible, but had a skin rash and slept for a good 18 hours. I am not positive that I had it because I never tested positive. Grant and Christian both did and had mild flu-like symptoms. They were tired, feverish, achy etc. Katherine and V didn't seem to get it, but who knows. It was weird, but luckily not too serious for our family.

Danny and Grant went skiing one Monday.

They enjoyed their time together.

I got this fancy gold mask from Kattia at Christmas. She told the sis-in-laws to send a pic when we did it. Haha, glamorous! Is there something wrong with my face?

Grant got his boater's license.

We baked delicious English Muffin bread.

Grant had to wrestle in mask when he got back after covid. Eek! To keep the mask in place while wrestling he wore this crazy huge facemask. He looked intimidating, but found it very difficult to wrestle in, especially when the mask covered his eyes.

Christian was in the mood to make a coconut cake one day.

It was awesome. 

Family, if you think of some other noteworthy things or want to add some pics, please do. (I am behind by months again!)


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