Monday, February 28, 2022

February Misc. 2022

At the start of February we put out little mailboxes and we can give each other little notes and treats. It was fun to catch Danny delivering little surprises.

It is fun to see the kids find the mailbox flags up too and run to see what is inside! Note the ball, blankets, and shoes. Staples in our family room. We like to be cozy and comfortable while we watch tv or read. Also, Grant throws balls at the wall and catches them all the time. K sometimes does this too!

I love teaching with the missionaries! Thanks for inviting me to visit Jason, Sis. Benson, Sis. Hurst, and Sis. Valora!

I substituted for art on Groundhogs day. I really like teaching art. I drew a similar groundhog and shadow on the board and loved that I got imitation art back on a card from a student!

I also loved this one because, if you know me well,  you know that my favorite color to wear is black! And the earrings! Love it!

I love all of these ones too! Thanks, Yowell students!

Victoria does this bizarre thing where she takes a picture every time she cries. Not that she cries a lot, but I presume she just wants to record it to remember different feelings. It is very strange to me, but she thinks they are hilarious. She contorts her face and tries to look her absolute worst. Anyway, I tried it and it was actually hilarious! (Ok, really this was just a filter, but I had to try it and send it to her when I found it!)

Katherine and Grant worked on some mysteries and had to extract strawberry DNA among other science experiments to solve the case. Pretty cool stuff.

I don't often get to drive with C-bass, but he is becoming a great driver! 

We had a fun time with Bobby and Kattia and family for SuperBowl Sunday. Victoria's friend, Ryan, joined us and a few more friends from their branch too. We didn't remember to take a picture until later. 

Katherine put the rock tumbler that she got for her birthday from Grandma to use! 
(Also, see crutches in the background? She had a mild sprain- really bruisy and she couldn't walk on it for a few days, but was able to within a week! Glad it wasn't worse! And this girl pushes herself and hated needing so much assistance.)

Before. Will we remember to take an "after" in a few weeks?

I got a new car that is shiny and black and pretty! I love it!

Look who is finally back to practice?! 
Christian and Caleb were pretty happy to be back to track practice after not being able to attend very often with all of their rehearsals! It was fun to be there at the right time to get a picture. (I was actually waiting in my car there to pick up Grant.

Katherine's Ace class did a living wax museum. She was the inventor, Josephine Cochran, who invented the dishwasher. When you pressed her bell, she told about herself and about her invention. She researched and prepared for several class periods, but she wrote and memorized the speech in a flash and we were so impressed!

Victoria was able to go with me to see it because it was on a Monday. Proud sister!

Katherine and her friend, Faith, in their costumes!

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