Saturday, June 28, 2008

Belmont ward campout

The ward camp out happened and was fun. I am pretty late to blog about it though. (Apparently, the getting started part isn't the hardest for me. It is the following up and doing- is that really a surprise to those of you who know me well? I couldn't even remember my blogger password!) Instead of writing about the camp out again I will just copy a little blurb from our ward newsletter.

A beautiful May weekend + hot dogs and hamburgers + volleyball and horseshoes + badminton, and croquet + sidewalk chalk and bubbles + fish and fishing poles + a campfire and s’mores + tents and sleeping bags + flashlights and lanterns + pancakes and syrup + frogs and turtles + kayaks and canoes + honeysuckle and water lilies + friends and families = One Fantastic Belmont Ward Camp out!

It was fantastic to be able to relax and enjoy each other’s company and Heavenly Father’s beautiful earth.

A couple of the High Priests who made dinner.

Bubbles and sidewalk chalk to use when not busy collecting flowers, fishing, or playing sports

Victoria loves camping.! She just woke up and look at that face! She is definitely a happy girl with her shiny pink backpack and sleeping bag!

Christian had a great time too! He was definitely in his element playing by the water- he just couldn't resist getting in (I think Danny encouraged it). He loved the fire too! He still does not really like smores though- I can't believe it! They are just to sticky for him. He was so exhausted by the time we packed up though.

Danny helped me a lot that weekend and I appreciated it. He built the fire and kept it going for everyone. Also, he brought an air mattress and lots of pillows for me. That is not my typical camping style and I was a little embarrassed by it, but being pregnant and still feeling pretty sick that weekend I appreciated it and slept really well!

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