Then we were off to Busch Gardens! Yea! We have the VA fun passes, but gas is expensive so we are limiting our trips there this year. It was our first time this season. We all had a fantastic time. We started the day by watching the 3d pirate movie. Christian loved it, but V refused to watch and cried and cried until Danny had to take her out. A tiny bit embarrassing, but we observed that it wasn't too unusual for the age. Nevertheless, her behavior caused her to lose her privilege of watching the show she had picked- The Emerald Beat (an Irish dancing show). We let the kids ride lots of rides though. We started off in Italy and rode some of the kids rides there. V was taller so she could ride a few new rides! Danny took her since all of those rides had signs that cautioned "expectant mothers". She rode the Battering Ram, Da Vinci's Cradle, and the Flying Machine with Danny. I stayed with Christian and wanted to ride rides so badly. There was a glider ride that I could ride with him if we did the sit up way. I was so desperate to join in the fun that I pleaded, but no.... he wanted to do the lying down way. Luckily the next time he rode it he let me sit with him so we could go "up and down" better! Victoria was so pleased about being able to ride those rides with Danny. She was going to ride a couple other of the 42" rides, but then they said that she wasn't quite tall enough. The person measuring that time was right, we agreed. So we didn't try any more of the 42 inch rides. We'll follow the rules and be safe. By the end of the summer she might be 42 inches though and tall enough to ride a roller coaster(the Big Bad Wolf), Escape from Pompeii, Roman Rapids, and a couple others. Since I can't when I pregnant and Christian will be to small, Danny and V are going to go together in August if she has grown that last half an inch. I digress.
Later that afternoon my sister-in-law, Whitney, called. She and Teagan and her friend Erin were coming to Busch Gardens too, so they met up with us for a couple hours. She was so cool that she brought us lunch/dinner to right outside the park's entrance. So we ate lunch that way. Wasn't that nice! We all watched the Pet Shenanigans show together. It was pretty neat. We were impressed because afterwards even V wanted to meet the stars! She pet the dog no problem! We went to Dragon land and played in the water there. Then Whitney and Erin and Teagan went to meet TJ and to do other stuff. We rode all of the rides in Dragonland (the kids did anyway). Danny took the kids up the giant tree house, across the nets, and down the slides. Then we called it a day and head out. The kids were exhausted, can you tell?

That night we ate dinner at Danny's parents and then they watched the kids and put them to bed. Danny and I went back to Busch Gardens for a date and watched the show Kinetics. It was really great- acrobats and other circus type performers along with dance and song. We both liked it. We also had fun riding the sky rides together.
Late that night (around 11:00) we met TJ and Whitney at Friendly's for ice cream. I, of course, had a buy one get one free sundae coupon that we used. We had fun with them. We were all in tired silly moods- like slaphappy- it was funny.
The next day we slept in a bit and relaxed at Danny's parents house. They went to morning church, but we went to afternoon. We knew that they needed to get some things ready for girls camp that they were both going to the next day. We put together a dinner in the crock pot for us all though and the kids needed a little slow time. They did have fun picking a few tomatoes from their plants in the garden. We went to TJ and Whitney's ward and sat with them for sacrament meeting. Christian always loves nursery and went in no problem, but told us that the teacher was mean and wouldn't let him play with toys. We wonder if that was the whole story. Victoria was a little shy to go in primary, but we took turns staying in there until she was OK. It didn't take too long. We both made it to part of Sunday School and all of priesthood and RS.
The next day we went to the outlets for a little bit! I love the cheap stuff at the Children's Place there- who can beat 99 cents for clothes. I only got a couple things though because the 99 cent racks were sparse. I got V jeans though and a cute yellow cardigan both for 1.99. We also got V a new backpack- her older one isn't big enough for the kindergarten requirements.We went ahead and got Christian one as well that will work for preschool and elementary school- probably all the way to high school for both. We got them LL Bean ones and they were priced decently at the outlet. That is what I had growing up. They have a lifetime warranty. I have gotten 1 or 2 replacements of mine. Once again- I love being a thrifty shopper.
After the outlets, we spent the rest of the day at Busch Gardens. Sorry, no more pics. We have a lot of BG pics from last year and plan to go again at least once more this summer. We mainly did a lot of the same things as Saturday, but we were able to see Victoria's show pick. It was good. We all like dancing. Danny took the kids on the teacups. We all went on Elephant Run- that was a bit uncomfortable being past 7 months pregnant, but it was fun too. We also took the kids on the Rhine River cruise, the train and sky ride. I could ride those too. Yippee! We were going to go to the river house that night, but we were too tired, so we spent the night at Danny's parents house one more night while they were at Girls camp. We decided to watch a movie, do laundry, and run an errand(just Danny) when the kids went to bed.
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