Sunday, July 13, 2008

Christian turned 3 this week!

Christian on his last day as a 2 year old wearing three of his favorite things all at once- a ski mask, his "helmet," and his Thomas Shirt! So silly!

On his birthday he wanted to eat bacon for breakfast, so we did. He told me that a day or two before when I asked, so we were prepared. Then we went to see a movie called Water Horse that was part of the free summer movie series. It was neat because it was about the Loch Ness monster, but was a little scary too. After we picked up Victoria we had McDonald's for lunch- and he even got a Happy Meal with a transformer! Then we went home and played and I worked on the cake. Christian had surprise visitors! He was really happy because his friends Sam and Josh came by with their mom and brought him a present- books! He also got a few special phone calls! That afternoon he went with his Dad to take V to swimming lessons and luckily had a nice nap so that he could be ready to stay up a little late for his party.

That night we had a "DINO-MITE" party! Christian wanted a dinosaur party and it was fun to plan for him. It was a fun party for Christian and his cousins and family on the Marshall side. It went really smoothly so we were glad!

First we ate dinner- dinosaur PBJ's, Dino nuggets, french fries, dinosaur eggs(tomatoes- C's favorite), carrots, and Stegosaurus chips.

Then the kids played in the back yard for a bit- fun on the swing set, in the hammocks, and in the sandbox.

Then, the kids were paleontologists and went on a dinosaur egg hunting expedition. Victoria found the special egg and got a prize. That almost caused Christian a meltdown, but luckily Danny announced that the special birthday boy got to award the prizes to the winners. Good thinking, Dad. It worked. We played a few other games. One was rolling a dinosaur ball and when it came to a child that child was supposed to say a fact about dinosaurs. The things they said were pretty cute! Then we sang a song about "7 dinosaurs went out to play.... mother dinosaur went stomp stomp stomp..."

After the inside playtime we went back out and sang "Happy Birthday" and had cake and ice cream.

We opened presents and then played last. Christian got a lot of nice things- a scooter from grandma and grandpa, Bob the builder tools from Craig, Lorel, and Ella, Diego monkeys from Matt, Janelle, Donovan, Howie, Nina, and Cameron, a stuffed animal dinosaur and a dinosaur book from Scott, Chrissy, Hailey, and Sydney, Thomas the train toys from both G.G's, and a dinosaur tent from Mom, Dad, and Victoria! Very fun things! He has had a lot of fun with them since. Thanks everybody!

I think he loved his dinosaur birthday! That being said, he told me that "on Saturday" he would like a Thomas birthday. Hmmm? Maybe next year;)


The Spiveys said...

Hey! We're glad you found our blog!! Your kids are so adorable and congrats on the one on the way :)

Greenes said...

Happy Birthday Christian!!! Zane was sooooo impressed to see your goggles and "hat"! He thought you looked silly, and then ran to find his goggles, mittens, and hat. Maybe we'll have a goggles and hat day together!

carrie said...

Hey Soderholms! I found your blog through Amy (Gholson) Pikula. Your kids are so cute and totally the perfect mix of both of you. Congratulations on the one on the way!
Looking at your pictures of Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, the beach and river, TREES!, makes me so homesick for Virginia!
How are your families?
Nice "seeing" yall!

Lorel said...

OH my gosh... I am so happy you got a picture of Christian's moment with with dino! That was the best! He is such a cutie!

Janelle said...

Cute blog Brooke! I am excited that we'll be able to see what you guys are up to and how much your kids grow. Donovan loved looking at all the pictures and remembering how much fun he had out there with his cousins.

Alaska Massey said...

Glad you found us. We tried looking for you a few months back but were unsuccessful. Great looking family, glad the kids got more of their mom's genes, they are cute. ~Erik

Ioana said...

It's so cool that you guys have a blog! You're kids have gotten so big. They are precious! When are you due? Maybe you guys come visit Utah sometime...:)

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...

Awe...Happy Birthday! Looks like he had a blast!

Ginny Lubin Butler said...

Thanks for your comment, Brooke- it made me feel good! :) Christian's party looks awesome, but the best part is that cake: AMAZING!! You really should go into the biz. You're so good at that stuff. Remember the watermelon baby carriage you made? Priceless.